Что такое вилка?

Экологичный компостируемый штопор из кукурузного крахмала

A spork might seem like a simple utensil, but it represents a brilliant fusion of practicality, design, and innovation. Combining the best features of a spoon and a fork, this hybrid utensil is more than just a dining tool; it’s a symbol of convenience and versatility. Let’s dive into what makes the spork special and […]

Многие страны запретили одноразовые пластиковые изделия и начали использовать биоразлагаемые столовые приборы

Биоразлагаемые столовые приборы

It’s our stance to reject the use of plastic. From now on, we will provide cutleries that are made of corn, which are environmentally friendly and cheap. Post-use, such cutleries are biodegradable, hence furthering our goal of going green! We also understand that having a set of reusable cutleries to use at the office or […]