Биоразлагаемые коробки для ланча

Биоразлагаемые коробки для ланча are the sustainable solution for food packaging, crafted from sugarcane bagasse. These eco-friendly containers are fully compostable, biodegradable, and perfect for both cold and hot foods. The Биоразлагаемые коробки для ланча are leak-proof, microwave-safe, and provide a practical, environmentally responsible alternative to traditional plastic lunch containers.

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About Biodegradable Lunch Boxes

A biodegradable lunch box is a container that has been designed to hold or package food while minimizing the impact of wastage or pollution. These plastic containers, which are made from sugarcane and other bio sources, could spell the end of styrofoam, thermal insulation, BOPP, PVC, and wax paper packaging. Ranging in diameter between 6 inches and 10 inches, and with an encased volume varying between 450ml and 1800ml, these containers are ideal for carrying lunch, meals and even small snacks.


We produce high-grade biodegradable lunch boxes at our factory in China China because Bioleader is a reputed and top-rated brand among other Chinese manufacturers. Also, we have bulk quantities for sale that are poised to meet the increasing need for biodegradable food packaging at an industrial scale. This makes it ideal for industries that wish to pursue a more eco-friendly means of packaging.

Материал: Багасса сахарного тростника и Процесс производства: Формование бумажной массы

The primary production material for the Биоразлагаемые коробки для ланча is sugarcane bagasse which is a waste material from sugar extraction. There are several advantages of bagasse, including it is lightweight, strong, and biodegradable as well; hence, the product is best for sustainable use. This material is biodegradable and reduces the adverse effects that are generated by the use of plastic.


Наш сайт Биоразлагаемые коробки для ланча are manufactured via Paper Pulp Molding Technology, which is a type of manufacturing that shapes the sugarcane pulp into durable and non-leaking boxes. In this way, the production of the lunch boxes serves its purpose of being eco-friendly and functional, serving various food types without leaking.

Bioleader® Biodegradable Lunch Boxes Solution

Особенности и преимущества

  1. Экологически чистый: The Биоразлагаемые коробки для ланча are constructed using raw products such as sugarcane bagasse which results in lower plastic waste.

  2. Компостируемый: Unlike plastic containers, these lunch boxes do not have a long lifespan as they are compostable and thus help in nourishing the soil.

  3. Биоразлагаемые: These lunch boxes are all natural and 100% biodegradable within a compost ensuring that they do not cause environmental harm.

  4. Безопасный для пищевых продуктов: Given the fact that Биоразлагаемые коробки для ланча are meant to hold food products, they have been made in accordance with food safety standards.

  5. Не содержит PFAS и BPA: Made from PFAS and BPA-free materials, these lunch boxes serve as a great substitute for plastic containers.

  6. Непромокаемый, водонепроницаемый и маслостойкий: Made with high-quality materials these boxes are suitable for all meals as they retain the contents in place and do not allow leaking or spilling.

  7. Микроволновая печь: Storing foods in Биоразлагаемые коробки для ланча is safe and easy as they do not have to be taken out of the containers to be microwaved.

  8. Перерабатываемые: Helping the world in reducing pollution, after use these boxes can conveniently be recycled.

Сценарии использования

  1. Вынос и доставка: Designed for restaurants that offer takeaway and delivery services, these lunch boxes turn out to be the best for food packaging because they are easy to use.

  2. Для приготовления блюд: These lunch boxes are great for meal prepping as they are biodegradable and can withstand the microwaving process making them a great lunch storage box for the week.

  3. Для ресторанов и кафе: Restaurants and cafes can happily stock these lunch boxes as they offer the consumers an option for lunch that is outdoor and extremely eco-friendly.

  4. Мероприятия и кейтеринг: Эти коробки для ланча are great for catering work, parties, or even larger picnics where limited cutlery can be used solely or in backup with these boxes to direct a more eco-friendly focus.

  5. Corporate Gifts: Include the biodegradable lunch boxes in a corporate gift pack. It is a pleasant gift that is functional, and it is also eco-friendly.

Воздействие на окружающую среду и тенденции развития промышленности

The supply of biodegradable lunch boxes is increasing as there is a focus on sustainability in the world today. Many companies are starting to switch from plastic packaging to bioproducts. With the growing demand for biodegradable PHP, compostable plastics, and the use of biodegradable products the amount of plastic waste around the globe will be less and the water purification system can greatly benefit from this.

FAQ of Bioleader's Biodegradable Lunch Boxes

Q1: Can I serve hot food in a biodegradable lunch box?

Definitely, these boxes are intended for those who want to be able to carry hot or cold food without fears for the structure or safety of the food item.

Q2: Are the biodegradable lunch boxes safe to use in microwaves?

Yes, these biodegradable lunch boxes are designed in such a way that they can withstand the microwave without melting thereafter interfering with your meal.

Q3: What is the life span of a biodegradable lunch box and how rapidly does it decompose?

When these lunch boxes are in a composting environment, these lunch boxes decompose normally within two to three months which is much shorter than the life of plastic containers.

Q4: Will these lunch boxes be able to withstand oily or greasy food?

Yes, the biodegradable lunch boxes are waterproof and are able to stand high levels of oil which makes them ideal for salad and pasta which are oily.

Q5: Is it possible to recycle bioplastics such as biodegradable lunch boxes?

Yes, these boxes can be industrially composted, or they were reprocessed through alternative methods provided local recycling centers accept biodegradable materials.