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Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen

PE-SCK088oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337gsm Wit papier 320gsm
PE-SCK1212oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337gsm Wit papier 320gsm
PE-SCK1616oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337gsm Wit papier 320gsm
PE-SCK2626oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337gsm Wit papier 320gsm
PE-SCK3232oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337gsm Wit papier 320gsm
Papieren dekselPapieren deksel: 90/98/115/118mmKraftpapier deksel Witpapier deksel
PP dekselPP deksel: 90/98/115/118mmPlastic PP deksel

Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen

Onze custom disposable paper hot soup cups are a versatile, sustainable packaging solution for businesses in the food service industry.  Made of kraft paper and white cardboard paper, durable enough to withstand the heat from the hot food filled inside. Equipped with different types of lid options and full customization, these custom paper soup cups not only serve the brand’s practical necessities but also assist in elevating its image and providing a green solution for the customers.Since people are getting more aware about eco-friendly solutions, our disposable paper soup cups will offer a better solution to the plastic ones and fulfill the demands of clients and help the companies get towards a greener direction. Hot food items will be duly insulated when packed in our biodegrabale and environmentally friendly custom paper soup cups.
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
                                            Disposable Paper Hot Soup Cups: 8,12,16,26,32oz
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
disposable paper soup cups
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
papieren soepbekers met deksels

Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen

If you are looking for a trustworthy packaging option to provide extension services such as hot soup, hot stews, and other liquid dishes, our paper hot soup cups are an ideal option. These disposable hot soup cups are designed to fit the demands of the contemporary food service environment combining strength and ease of use and environmental sustainability. The ready-made designs of our hot paper soup cups make it convenient for customer service at restaurants, takeaways, and events, or any other place where hot dishes are served.

The Quality Of Materials Used Determines The Level Of Service

Some of the strength and insulation present in our disposable paper soup cups come from the materials used:

  • Kraftpapier: Uniquely used to create wrapping paper, its qualities include a rough texture and environmental friendliness. Additionally, where hot foods are concerned, it has great strength as well as great heat resistance.
  • Wit kartonpapier: This smooth, polished surface completes box designs by adding a visual appeal to the packaging while providing decent thermal insulation. This is ideal for companies that want easy functions and good visuals.

These materials ensure that the paper hot soup cups do not swell, start leaking, or lose their overall design when exposed to the high temperatures associated with microwaves.

Versatile Lid Options

As far as the disposable paper soup cups are concerned, so many options of lids can be provided to suit the business requirements of your customers:

  • Paper lid: Environment-friendly and 100 percent recyclable, this type of lid aligns with the eco-friendly trend of the Cup’s usage.
  • PP deksel: Made from a type of plastic, this lid is not only light but also strong enough to allow for a reliable and leakproof close on the can which is most preferable for broth and hot soups.
  • PET deksel: Transparent and strong, this lid is ideal for cups whose contents include cold and attractive food such as layered soups swirling with parfaits, cake parfaits, and so on.

These different lid options can accommodate any kind of food being served, this allows for the delivery of meals without making a mess hence improving the quality of service to the clients.

Papieren Soepkom met Deksel (Kraft & Wit)

ItemProductnaamPapiergewichtProduct Grootte (Boven*Bodem*Hoog)Pcs/ CTNAfmetingen doos (cm)
PE-SCK088oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337 g/m² / Wit papier 320 g/m²90*72*62 of 98*81*60500471961
PE-SCK1212 oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337 g/m² / Wit papier 320 g/m²90*73*86 of 98*81*70500502147
PE-SCK1616 oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337 g/m² / Wit papier 320 g/m²98*75*99 of 115*98*72500502158
PE-SCK2626 oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337 g/m² / Wit papier 320 g/m²118*96*108mm500602564
PE-SCK3232 oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337 g/m² / Wit papier 320 g/m²118*93*131mm500602575
Papieren deksels90mm papieren deksel (8,12oz)

Kraftpapier deksel

Wit papieren deksel

90 mm5006020.550
98mm papieren deksel (8,12,16oz)98 mm500652254
115mm papieren deksel (16oz)115 mm500642562
118mm papieren deksel (26,32oz)118 mm5006725.563
PP deksel90mm PP deksel (8,12oz)Plastic PP deksel90 mm 2,3 g1000392949
98mm PP deksel (8,12,16oz)98mm 3,4g1000512541
118mm PP deksel (26,32oz)118mm 5g1000613149
Opties met filmcoatingPE(single)Effen 18gsm PE (100% recyclebaar, dit is het normale keuzetype)
PE(dubbel)Double 18gsm PE (Available for ice, cold, and freezer)
PLAEnkel 31gsm PLA (100% Biologisch afbreekbaar & composteerbaar)
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
Papieren soepbekers met papieren deksels
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
disposable hot soup cups with lids
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
disposable hot soup cups with PP Lids
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
disposable hot soup cups
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
paper hot soup cups
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
disposable paper soup cups

Customizable to Suit Your Brand

Make your packaging completely different with our disposable paper soup cups which are fully editable. For example, your logo, other health branding, unique designs can be added to personalize your business. This does not only increase brand visibility but helps in using the packaging effectively, making your food service more professional and advanced. Talk to us if you want to know how to achieve such desirable nice looking unique designs on the cups you order.

Hoe logo's en kleuren aanpassen?


Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen

Wij leveren OEM/ODM op maat gemaakte logo/kleurendruk op basis van MOQ: 50.000 stuks per stuk:

Bedrukkingsgebied: 1: Kop en bodem;

                                    2: Bovenkant papierdeksel,

  • Neem contact met ons op en kies het artikel/de maat die je nodig hebt.
  • Bevestig de bestelling bij ons. (Ondertekend contract/PI)
  • Ontwerp/tekenen: Je stuurt ons het profiel in PDF-, AI- of CDR-formaat of een duidelijke tekening met logo en vertelt ons je idee of een eenvoudig ontwerp. Dan kunnen we vrij voor u ontwerpen.
  • Of we geven je de blanco druktekeningen van de maten/types die je kiest en sturen ze terug naar ons nadat je ze hebt ontworpen.
  • Afronden: We passen het ontwerp/de tekening aan op basis van stap 3 of 4, en dan bevestig je het na zorgvuldige controle.
  • Monsters: We kunnen (indien nodig) druksteekproeven uitgeven.
  • Productie: We regelen de massaproductie op tijd volgens ons productieplan.
  • Afgewerkt: Producten gereedmaken en export naar u regelen op basis van contract of overeenkomst.

Paper Cups & Bowls Production Process

1: Selectie van karton: Kies de dikte, het gewicht en de coatingeigenschappen op basis van de bestelling.
2:Coating: Karton is gecoat met een dunne laag kunststof (PE of PLA) (voor waterdichtheid en het vasthouden van vloeistoffen).
3:Afdrukken: Flexodruk onder het gewenste ontwerp.
4:Cutting: Plaat snijden in platte vellen en dan stansen in specifieke vormen voor de body van de cups.
5:Vorming: Vorming van het cuplichaam: de randen worden verwarmd en samengevoegd tot een cilindrische vorm. Bodemafdichting: het ronde bodemstuk wordt in de beker geplaatst en met hitte en druk afgedicht. (garandeert lekdichtheid).
6:Rimmen en krullen:Randafwerking: de bovenrand van de beker wordt gekruld om een rand te vormen (structurele sterkte & gladde rand om uit te drinken). Hitteverzegelen: De gekrulde rand wordt met hitte geseald om de structuur van de beker te versterken.
7: Inspectie en kwaliteitscontrole.
8:Verpakkingen: Verpakt in hoezen of dozen.




Andere schalen / stijlen voor jouw keuze

Belangrijkste functies en voordelen

  1. Milieuvriendelijk: The materials used to make our paper hot soup cups are biodegradable thus reduces use of plastics and their waste materials in the environment in a positive way.
  2. Tolerance to Heat: The cups in question have the capability to endure extreme heat and are appropriate for warm food such as soups, stews or chili.
  3. Leak-Proof Concept & Its Practicability: The durable nature of the disposable hot soup cups, plus the tight lids, make it possible for the consumers to carry their food about comfortably without worrying about any spillages.
  4. Branding Options: Onze branded paper soup cups have a printing option so that your organization can make use of patterns, logos or even branding.
  5. Reusable Thermal Cups: These are cups that do not get damaged in microwaves, an easy answer for those whose food requires reheating.
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
Paper Soup Cups
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
Paper Soup Cup

Ideale gebruiksscenario's

  1. Takeout Restaurants: No matter if it is hot soups, noodles or some other meal, our disposable hot soup cups provide the best takeaway solution for the delivery services of any restaurant working in takeout mode.
  2. Catering en evenementen: Perfect soup serving cups for serving liquidized food at functions: wheeleats & easier eating.
  3. Food Trucks en straatverkopers: THese cups may be used in quick service because they are portable.
  4. Cafés and Bistros: Provide a green wrap for your customers` favorite soups, stews, or chili with our paper hot soup cups and let them take it home.

The Hoarders of Paper Packaging and Their Respectable Paper Products

The current era has witnessed an influx of the sustainable culture, leading some of enterprises to adapt packaging methods such as the use of disposable paper soup cups which are softer to the environment. Paper-based products are more environmentally friendly since they are organic as opposed to the use of plastic packing. Since consumers have begun considering more green options, your company can adapt by dealing in custom paper soup cups changing with the current trends. It is anticipated that such a trend will increase since both companies and customers are looking for ways of reducing negative environmental implications.

Show aangepast afdrukken
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
custom paper soup bowls
Papieren Wegwerp Soepkoppen
custom paper soup cups

Questions That Arise the Most Concerning the Hot Paper Soup Cups

  • Are the cups right for hot liquids? 

Yes, the liquid does not leak, and the forms do not deform because our paper hot soup cups are made for hot liquid use.

  • Are there logo options on the cups?

Certainly! We provide such options as complete customization and you will be able to print your logo, brand colors and design in case you have one on the cups. Get in touch with us on how you would like the design done.

  • Are these cups, indeed microwavable?

Yes, regarding our disposable paper soup cups, they are microwavable and this is an advantage to customers who will wish to warm their food.

  • Welke maten heb je?

There are different sizes available to serve your needs, the smallest being 4oz and the largest being 32 oz making certain there is the right cup for every portion size.

  • What choices do you have regarding a lid?

We furnish our clients with lids made from paper, PP, and PET as per customer requirements, be it fully sustainable alternatives or clear lids.

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