What Are Bagasse Plates? The Eco-Friendly Alternative to Traditional Disposable Plates

Bagasse plates have emerged as a sustainable alternative to traditional disposable tableware, addressing environmental concerns associated with plastic and conventional paper plates. Derived from sugarcane byproducts, these biodegradable plates offer a viable solution for eco-conscious consumers and businesses. This article delves into the world of bagasse plates, exploring their origin, manufacturing process, benefits, and their […]
Milieuvriendelijk of niet? Waar zijn papieren borden van gemaakt?

In today’s eco-conscious world, understanding the environmental impact of everyday products has never been more critical. Among these products, paper plates have gained significant attention. Widely used in both homes and public gatherings for their convenience, disposable paper plates are popular choices for serving meals. Yet, the increasing global focus on sustainability raises an essential […]
Borden uit bagasse vs. plastic borden: Een duurzame keuze voor de toekomst

Introduction The debate over single-use disposable dinnerware has reached a tipping point in a world increasingly focused on sustainability and environmental stewardship. The choice between bagasse plates and plastic plates is no longer just a matter of convenience—it is a decision that affects our planet’s future. The answer is clear: bagasse plates, made from the […]
Zijn papieren borden composteerbaar en biologisch afbreekbaar?

In de wereld van wegwerpservies worden papieren borden vaak beschouwd als een milieuvriendelijker alternatief voor plastic. Veel consumenten vragen zich echter af of deze papieren borden echt composteerbaar zijn. In deze blog gaan we dieper in op de verschillende soorten papieren borden, de composteerbaarheid van verschillende materialen en hoe ze op elkaar [...]