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Wegwerp grote papieren soepkommen

PE-SCK088oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337gsm Wit papier 320gsm
PE-SCK1212oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337gsm Wit papier 320gsm
PE-SCK1616oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337gsm Wit papier 320gsm
PE-SCK2626oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337gsm Wit papier 320gsm
PE-SCK3232oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337gsm Wit papier 320gsm
Papieren dekselPapieren deksel: 90/98/115/118mmKraftpapier deksel Witpapier deksel
PP dekselPP deksel: 90/98/115/118mmPlastic PP deksel

Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz

Onze disposable large paper soup bowls come in 20oz, 26oz, and 32oz sizes, making them suitable for serving hot soups, noodles, and other dishes in various settings like restaurants, food trucks, and events. Made from eco-friendly chopsticks of Kraftpapier en wit kartonpapier, these bowls are sturdy, waterproof, and microwavable. These features are inclusive of various round, square, or rectangular shape openings and seals made from papierPPen PET-deksels to safeguard the contents while on a takeout service. Also, these bowls are customizable in branding with logos and imprints; thus helpful in marketing the businesses. In unison with the trend towards more sustainable packaging, the large paper soup bowls available in our ranges provide a practical solution for the food sector markets.
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
                                            Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls: 8,12,16,26,32oz
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
large paper soup bowls
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
disposable paper soup bowls

Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz

Disposable paper bowls gained popularity in food service because of their convenience and benefits for the environment. Our soup bowls feature disposable paper and come in 20oz, 26oz, and 32oz sizes; they are determined for soups, noodles, and any hot or cold dish. These huge paper bowls are useful not only for restaurant and takeaway businesses but also for hosting functions or gatherings. To meet these requirements, these large paper bowls are manufactured in such a way that they do not disintegrate in a matter of seconds even in the presence of piping hot soups.

Materiaal: Kraftpapier en wit kartonpapier

The materials used for manufacturing these disposable paper bowls include a nonwoven rayon and, more often than not, Kraft paper and white cardboard paper. Kraft paper is advantageous because it is strong and has a brownish tint which appeals to green users. White cardboard paper provides a pleasing surface free from dirt to make various designs that are applicable within the marketing spectrum. Even with all these stylish usages, both materials are built to contain hot and cold beverages without dripping.

Lid Options for Enhanced Versatility

The larger sizes of our large paper soup bowls have been designed with multiple lid options to meet all the expectations of the users. The lids have 3 types for your choice: papieren dekselPP deksel en PET lid, which enable the safe and spillage-free movement of soups and other dishes. Biodegradable paper lids help to reduce the amount and types of plastics used in food service packaging. Plain and patterned lids can be of use on different occasions and are even light in weight as compared to the PP and PET lids and of course, they are not destructive since they can be recycled. By using these lids your food is sealed with optimal temperature and freshness during delivery.

Papieren Soepkom met Deksel (Kraft & Wit)

ItemProductnaamPapiergewichtProduct Grootte (Boven*Bodem*Hoog)Pcs/ CTNAfmetingen doos (cm)
PE-SCK088oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337 g/m² / Wit papier 320 g/m²90*72*62 of 98*81*60500471961
PE-SCK1212 oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337 g/m² / Wit papier 320 g/m²90*73*86 of 98*81*70500502147
PE-SCK1616 oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337 g/m² / Wit papier 320 g/m²98*75*99 of 115*98*72500502158
PE-SCK2626 oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337 g/m² / Wit papier 320 g/m²118*96*108mm500602564
PE-SCK3232 oz Soepkom (Kraft/Wit)Kraftpapier 337 g/m² / Wit papier 320 g/m²118*93*131mm500602575
Papieren deksels90mm papieren deksel (8,12oz)

Kraftpapier deksel

Wit papieren deksel

90 mm5006020.550
98mm papieren deksel (8,12,16oz)98 mm500652254
115mm papieren deksel (16oz)115 mm500642562
118mm papieren deksel (26,32oz)118 mm5006725.563
PP deksel90mm PP deksel (8,12oz)Plastic PP deksel90 mm 2,3 g1000392949
98mm PP deksel (8,12,16oz)98mm 3,4g1000512541
118mm PP deksel (26,32oz)118mm 5g1000613149
Opties met filmcoatingPE(single)Effen 18gsm PE (100% recyclebaar,dit is het normale keuzetype)
PE(dubbel)Dubbel 18gsm PE (beschikbaar voor ijs, koude en diepvries)
PLAEnkel 31gsm PLA (100% Biologisch afbreekbaar & composteerbaar)
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
Paper Soup Bowls with Paper Lids
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
Soepkommen voor eenmalig gebruik met deksels
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
Soepkommen voor eenmalig gebruik met PP deksels
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
Wegwerpkommen voor soep
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
Wegwerp grote papieren soepkommen
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
large paper soup bowls

Customization options available

There are customization services available for the use of paper soup bowls disposable. It is possible to print such brands logo or any other custom designs on tangy bowls which can be a great advertising option for the restaurants, cafes or eating establishments. Customization helps brands to market themselves while serving their clients in an eco- friendly way. For more information, please make sure you contact us directly.


Hoe logo's en kleuren aanpassen?


Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz

Wij leveren OEM/ODM op maat gemaakte logo/kleurendruk op basis van MOQ: 50.000 stuks per stuk:

Bedrukkingsgebied: 1: Kop en bodem;

                                    2: Bovenkant papierdeksel,

  • Neem contact met ons op en kies het artikel/de maat die je nodig hebt.
  • Bevestig de bestelling bij ons. (Ondertekend contract/PI)
  • Ontwerp/tekenen: Je stuurt ons het profiel in PDF-, AI- of CDR-formaat of een duidelijke tekening met logo en vertelt ons je idee of een eenvoudig ontwerp. Dan kunnen we vrij voor u ontwerpen.
  • Of we geven je de blanco druktekeningen van de maten/types die je kiest en sturen ze terug naar ons nadat je ze hebt ontworpen.
  • Afronden: We passen het ontwerp/de tekening aan op basis van stap 3 of 4, en dan bevestig je het na zorgvuldige controle.
  • Monsters: We kunnen (indien nodig) druksteekproeven uitgeven.
  • Productie: We regelen de massaproductie op tijd volgens ons productieplan.
  • Afgewerkt: Producten gereedmaken en export naar u regelen op basis van contract of overeenkomst.

Papieren bekers & schalen productieproces

1: Selectie van karton: Kies de dikte, het gewicht en de coatingeigenschappen op basis van de bestelling.
2:Coating: Karton is gecoat met een dunne laag kunststof (PE of PLA) (voor waterdichtheid en het vasthouden van vloeistoffen).
3:Afdrukken: Flexodruk onder het gewenste ontwerp.
4:Cutting: Plaat snijden in platte vellen en dan stansen in specifieke vormen voor de body van de cups.
5:Vorming: Vorming van het cuplichaam: de randen worden verwarmd en samengevoegd tot een cilindrische vorm. Bodemafdichting: het ronde bodemstuk wordt in de beker geplaatst en met hitte en druk afgedicht. (garandeert lekdichtheid).
6:Rimmen en krullen:Randafwerking: de bovenrand van de beker wordt gekruld om een rand te vormen (structurele sterkte & gladde rand om uit te drinken). Hitteverzegelen: De gekrulde rand wordt met hitte geseald om de structuur van de beker te versterken.
7: Inspectie en kwaliteitscontrole.
8:Verpakkingen: Verpakt in hoezen of dozen.




Andere schalen / stijlen voor jouw keuze

Aspects of Disposable Paper Bowls

  1. Strong and Spill Proof: De large paper bowls that are made to hold hot soups or ice creams are built with no thin line sews that leak out liquid or the bowls become soggy.
  2. Flexible Safe Sustainable Plaster Bowls: De Kraft paper and the white cardboard paper of these bowls are 100% compostable and biodegradable thus helping to reduce the carbon footprint of your practices.
  3. Magnetronbestendig: Deze disposable paper soup bowls are designed heat resistant for use in a microwave so that they can be employed in reheating food.
  4. Multiple Sizes: Having 20oz, 26oz, and 32oz sizes, these bowls are useful for different servings from personal to bulk use.
  5. Secure Lids: The different types of lids ensure the safety and freshness of the food, reducing spills during takeaways from restaurants or during events.
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
Papieren soepkom
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
Papieren soepkom


  1. Restaurants en cafés: Great for holding piping hot soups, noodles and stews for either eat-in or take away customers.
  2. Bestelwagens: Deze paper soup bowls large are perfect for food trucks where hot or cold food is served.
  3. Evenementen en feesten: From a family get-together or wedding to an office party, these papieren wegwerpkommen are useful in serving of a vast number of people in less time.
  4. Catering: Both warm and cold caterers will find these bowls to be an added advantage for their clients by providing an environmentally friendly disposable option.
  5. Afhaalmaaltijden en bezorging: With the use of our lids, food will remain warm and fresh during delivery making these bowls very convenient even for fast food outlets.

Sustainable Paper Packaging

With the rise of eco-friendly hovering methods, so does the use of our disposable paper soup bowls. Plastic containers are waste material that is deposited in landfills; on the other hand, papieren wegwerpkommen are recyclable or compostable. Kraft paper, in this case, has fewer dents on the environment hence these bowls are ideal for companies and consumers who wish to cut down their carbon emissions.

Show aangepast afdrukken
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
logo printing large paper bowls
Disposable Large Paper Soup Bowls 20/26/32oz
customize paper soup bowls disposable

General Inquiries

  1. Can I use microwave for these bowls?

Yes, there is no cause to worry because our large paper bowls are microwaveable, making microwaving of the soups and other hot contents an effortless process.

  1. Is it possible to make an order of these bowls with logo print?

These are also some of the other tissues and printed materials that offer printing options for the logos in the bowls.

  1. Can you tell me what lids can one purchase?

Along with lids, we offer assorted plastic paper lids, PP lids, and PET lids, keeping in total protection of all factors.

  1. Zijn deze kommen composteerbaar?

Yes, the biodegradable food bowls are made of kraft paper, white cardboard paper with PLA coated can enable eco-friendliness to your business products.

  1. What are the dimensions?

Onze paper soup bowls large are available in 20oz, 26oz and 32oz for different serving portions.


Being one of the leading disposable food packaging manufacturers in China, our goal is to ensure customers are satisfied with green products. The paper soup bowls disposables are designed such that there is good functional use whereas the beauty of it is still maintained. They are therefore ideal for restaurants, food trucks, catering businesses and any other persons who need a handy disposable serving tool and wish to do away with the inconvenience of washing dishes. Reach out to us now and place your order to experience how environmentally friendly food packaging can benefit you.

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