In light of the global move towards eco-friendly practices, CPLAカトラリー has come up as a new age solution for the clean and hygienic culinary. CPLA (Crystallized Polylactic Acid) is made from renewable plant-based materials like corn starch, which is biodegradable and compostable, unlike the plastic furniture. Our CPLA器具 are the ideal fusion of strength, heat resistance, and ecological sustainability. Dulcet and designed for various occasions, these utensils offer the ease of being disposable but do not add to the pile of plastic waste.
バイオリーダー シーピーエルエー フォーク・スプーン・ナイフ(7インチ):
エンボス "コンポスタブル"ロゴ
項目 | 名称 / 素材 | 重量 | サイズ(mm) | PCS/CTN | カートンサイズ(cm) | ||
CPLA-02 | シーピーエルエー フォーク | 4.8g | 7インチ/ 170mm | 1000 | 44 | 18 | 23.5 |
CPLA-03 | シーピーエルエー スプーン | 4.9g | 7インチ/ 170mm | 1000 | 34.5 | 19 | 19 |
CPLA-01 | シーピーエルエー ナイフ | 5g | 7インチ/ 180mm | 1000 | 47.5 | 18 | 22.5 |
CPLAについて :
生分解性と堆肥化性 BPI Certified Eco-Friendly Utensils :
当社の7インチ大型食器は、様々な人が使用するのに適しています; 長くて厚いスタイルは、ほとんどのヨーロッパ人とアメリカ人に適しています。使い捨て食器は洗って再利用することもできます;

バイオリーダー コーンスターチ Fork Spoon Knife—大型(7インチ):
項目 | 名称 / 素材 | 重量 | サイズ(mm) | 個人通信サービス | カートンサイズ(cm) | ||
BGC-02 | コーンスターチフォーク(大) | 5.7g | 7インチ/ 170mm | 1000 | 47.5 | 18 | 22.5 |
BGS-02 | コーンスターチスプーン(大) | 5.3g | 7インチ/ 170mm | 1000 | 44 | 18 | 23.5 |
BGD-02 | コーンスターチナイフ(大) | 5.0g | 7インチ/ 180mm | 1000 | 34.5 | 19 | 19 |

バイオリーダー コーンスターチ フォーク・スプーン・ナイフミディアム(6インチ):
項目 | 名称 / 素材 | 重量 | サイズ(mm) | 個人通信サービス | カートンサイズ(cm) | ||
BGC-01 | コーンスターチ フォーク(中) | 4.0g | 150mm | 1000 | 40 | 16 | 19.5 |
BGS-01 | コーンスターチ スプーン(中) | 4.0g | 150mm | 1000 | 40 | 16.5 | 22 |
BGD-01 | コーンスターチ ナイフ(中) | 3.9g | 160mm | 1000 | 30 | 17 | 19 |
- コーンスターチ素材
- 環境に優しく、堆肥化可能
- ヘビーデューティ、耐久性、強度
- 無毒、BPAフリー、安全で健康的
- 耐熱性
- 快適なミディアムサイズ
- 多用途、あらゆる場面で活躍

バイオリーダー コーンスターチ フォーク・スプーン・ナイフ小さい(5インチ):
項目 | 名称 / 素材 | 重量 | サイズ(mm) | 個人通信サービス | カートンサイズ(cm) | ||
BGF-06 | コーンスターチ フォーク(小) | 3.3g | 150mm | 1000 | 32.5 | 16 | 21 |
BGS-06 | コーンスターチ スプーン(小) | 3.3g | 145mm | 1000 | 40 | 15 | 23 |
BGK-06 | コーンスターチ ナイフ(小) | 3.5g | 160mm | 1000 | 34.5 | 17.5 | 16 |
- コーンスターチ素材
- 環境に優しく、堆肥化可能
- 耐久性と強度
- 無毒、BPAフリー、安全で健康的
- 耐熱性
- コストパフォーマンスの高い小型サイズ
- 多用途、あらゆる場面で活躍

- 材料混合: We mix plant-based PLA with some crystallization substances to enhance the heat resistance and durability of our CPLA cutlery.
- 造粒: The mixture is converted to granules to make sure that consistent texture and quality are maintained in all of our CPLA utensils.
- 射出成形とスタイル成形: These granules are melted and injected into cast molds for making heavy-duty and ergonomically designed forks, knives and spoons.
- 梱包: All utensils go through quality control and are packed. Packaging services are also offered as per the requirements of the clients to enhance the target businesses’ goals in terms of branding and sustainability.
The CPLA cutlery in our collection CPLA cutlery is packed in clearly defined boxes and containers showing the brand name or the sustainability aspects of the company. There is an option of bulk purchasing for corporates or eco-friendly branding. Eco-friendly custom packaging can assist your yet eco-conscious target customers in being able to provide packaging that meets their packaging perspectives as well as convenience.







カスタムパック -小売用スモールパック

カスタムプリント100pcs 印刷された袋

スーパーマーケット -ヘッドカードバッグ



- Heat Tolerance: Unlike normal PLA, CPLA utensils are heat tolerant and can manage temperatures as high as 90°C making them a good alternative for hot foods such as soup or pasta dishes.
- Toughness: Even though they are biodegradable, CPLAカトラリー is just about strong enough to deal with soft salads to solid and massive steaks.
- Bio-plastics: These utensils are made of renewable materials and are 100% compostable in an industrial composting facility as it would decompose to natural components.
- Smooth Finish: The glossy and smooth appearance of the CPLA utensils provides a comfortable feel, complements the restaurant’s prestige, and improves the eco-friendly side of it all.
- 環境にやさしい: These utensils are bona fide biodegradable as they can biodegrade in industrial compost facilities, therefore, reducing pressure on landfills and the environment.

- レストラン&カフェ: This is cuddled by a focus on perfect target restaurants and cafes those that wish to have environmentally friendly cutlery when seeking quality options.
- ケータリング・イベント: Whether it is weddings or any corporate occasions, our CPLAカトラリー tends to be the best selection for such kinds of occasions where lots of single-use items need to be used, and concern for the environment is very likely.
- 航空&旅行:について CPLA器具 are convenient as they are light and sturdy making them preferred for both meals that are taken on board the flight and meals that are served as a traveling dining service.
- Outdoor Festivals & Picnics: These biodegradable utensils are made specifically for outdoor use and are appropriate for any large-scale functions where waste needs to be kept at a minimum.
- Office & Corporate Events: Companies can use the CPLAカトラリー during corporate lunches or other functions which is quite a practical approach as it also helps in reducing plastic pollution.
Since the world is still in a battle to attain the set goals in waste management, it is with no doubt that CPLAカトラリー is the future of dining without harming the environment. Such an alternative is best since ordinary plastics will never leave the earth due to degradation over time but CPLA utensils are guaranteed to biodegrade in industrial composting sites and do not have any bad effects on the environment. There is a growing trend in the market for environmentally safe products, as customers become more aware, and pressure from governments against plastic use in single-use items strengthens.
The trend in the industry is clearly on the shift to renewable and recyclable materials such as CPLA which is biodegradable and compostable. Several countries are bringing in tighter measures towards the usage of plastics, and the businesses themselves are moving towards greener options. Companies embracing the CPLA cutlery are its proponents to stick to the tenets of sustainability and social responsibility. Such items not only lower the environmental impact but also meet the expectations of consumers for eco-friendly alternatives.