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Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi

ArticoloNome del prodottoPeso della carta
PE-SSK16Ciotola da 500 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SSK26Ciotola da 750 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SSK32Ciotola da 1000 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SSK36Ciotola da 1090 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SSK40Ciotola da 1200 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SSK44Ciotola da 1300 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
Coperchio di cartaCoperchio di carta: 90/98/115/118 mmCoperchio in carta kraft Coperchio in carta bianca
Coperchio in PETCoperchio a cupola in PET: (trasparente per il freddo)Size:148/168/175/184mm
Coperchio in PPCoperchio in PP: (utilizzabile in microonde per il caldo)Dimensioni: 148/168/175 mm

Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi

Disposable bowls for hot food are becoming more and more popular in the food industry as they combine practicality with sustainability. Constructed from Kraft paper and white cardboard paper, these disposable bowls are tough, heat-resistant, and eco-friendly. These bowls come in multiple designs in terms of size, shape, and use, making them ideal for the food industry from takeaway to event decoration. There are many different types of packaging available which makes it easier for the consumers to add their logos and designs to help promote their products. As market pressure for environmentally friendly packaging keeps rising, our disposable food bowls perfectly enable serving hot food without plastic polluting the environment.
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
disposable bowls for hot food
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
ciotole monouso per alimenti

Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi

Carta Kraft

Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi

Libro bianco

Disposable Bowls for Hot Food: The Ultimate Solution for Safe, Sustainable, and Customizable Packaging

To make sure that the hot meals are served most easily and conveniently, the perfect option is the disposable bowls for hot food which is ideal for consumers and companies. The ciotole monouso help in serving many hot dishes efficiently and in a clean and eco-friendly manner. From soup to noodles to salads, food packaging becomes easier with the sense of disposable bowls for food, more especially to restaurants and takeouts. All bowls can be purchased in many shapes and sizes these bowls disposable are flexible, strong, and can be shaped to fit many types of foods and people’s choices.


Material Overview: Kraft Paper & White Cardboard

Our range of disposable food bowls consists of two high-end materials, Kraft paper and white cardboard paper. The first type, Kraft paper, is appreciated for its appealing appearance, ease of use, and the fact that it is made from recycled materials. However, the consumer is now packing fast food inside white cardboard paper as it is hot and cheery. Both materials are food-safe and heat-resistant.


Insalatiera di carta con coperchio (Kraft e bianco)
ArticoloNome del prodottoPeso della cartaDimensioni del prodotto (alto*basso*alto)Pz/ CTNDimensioni del cartone (cm)
PE-SSK16Ciotola da 500 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm148*131*46 mm300463148
PE-SSK26Ciotola da 750 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm148*129*60 mm300463149
PE-SSK321000ml Ciotola (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm148*129*78 mm300463151
Opzioni del coperchioCoperchio piatto in PP da 148 mm6.5g148 mm300483331.5
Coperchio a cupola in PET da 148 mm9g148 mm3004733.531.5
Coperchio in carta da 148 mmKraft / Bianco148 mm300683248
PE-SSK361090ml Ciotola (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm168*145*65 mm300523357
Opzioni del coperchioCoperchio piatto in PP da 168 mm10g168 mm300543236
Coperchio a cupola in PET da 168 mm11g168 mm300553837
Coperchio in carta da 168 mmKraft / Bianco168 mm150413654
PE-SSK401200ml Ciotola (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm175*148*68 mm300543658
Opzioni del coperchioCoperchio piatto in PP da 175 mm10g175 mm600555538
Coperchio a cupola in PET da 175 mm12g175 mm300573837
Coperchio in carta da 175 mmKraft / Bianco175 mm150383856
PE-SSK441300ml Ciotola (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm184*161*70 mm300553760
Opzioni del coperchioCoperchio in carta da 184 mmKraft / Bianco184 mm150403659
Coperchio a cupola in PET da 184 mm12g184 mm300584034
Opzioni con rivestimento in pellicolaPE(singolo)Singolo PE 18 gsm (100% riciclabile, questo è il tipo di scelta normale)
PE(doppio)Doppio 18gsm PE (disponibile per ghiaccio, freddo e freezer)
PLAPLA singolo da 31 gsm (100% biodegradabile e compostabile)


Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
bowls disposable
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
ciotole monouso per alimenti
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
disposable bowls for hot food
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
ciotole di carta rettangolari
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
kraft disposable bowls
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
ciotole di carta con coperchio

Opzioni di personalizzazione

We provide different types of customization options for our disposable food bowls stating logo and custom design here. Doing so will increase the level of professionalism ‘of your business.’ As for custom orders or requests, please do not hesitate to reach out and we will gladly help make your vision a reality through our ciotole monouso.

Come personalizzare il logo/la stampa a colori?


Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi

Forniamo logo/colore di stampa su misura OEM/ODM in base al MOQ: 50.000 pezzi ciascuno:

Area di stampa: 1: Corpo e fondo della tazza;

                                    2: Area superiore del coperchio della carta,

  • Contattateci e scegliere l'articolo/la taglia desiderata.
  • Confermare l'ordine con noi. (Contratto firmato/PI)
  • Progettazione/disegno: Ci inviate il profilo in formato PDF, AI, CDR, o un logo chiaro, un disegno, e ci dite la vostra idea o un semplice design. Poi potremo progettare liberamente per voi.
  • Oppure vi forniamo i disegni di stampa in bianco dei formati/tipi che scegliete e ce li rispedite dopo averli progettati.
  • Finalizzare: Il progetto/disegno verrà adattato in base alle fasi 3 o 4 e poi confermato dopo un'attenta verifica.
  • Campioni: Possiamo rilasciare i campioni di stampa (se necessario).
  • Produzione: Organizzeremo la produzione di massa nei tempi previsti dal nostro piano di produzione.
  • Finito: Prodotti finiti e organizzare l'esportazione verso di voi in base al contratto o all'accordo.

Processo di produzione di bicchieri e ciotole di carta

1: Selezione del cartone: Scegliere lo spessore, il peso e le proprietà del rivestimento in base all'ordine.
2:Rivestimento: Il cartone è rivestito da un sottile strato di plastica (PE o PLA) (per impermeabilizzare e trattenere i liquidi).
3:Stampa: Stampa flessografica con il disegno desiderato.
4:Cutting: Taglio in lastre piatte, quindi fustellatura in forme specifiche da utilizzare per il corpo delle tazze.
5:Formazione: Formazione del corpo della tazza: i bordi vengono riscaldati e incollati insieme per creare una forma cilindrica. Sigillatura del fondo: il pezzo di fondo circolare viene inserito e sigillato al corpo della tazza mediante calore e pressione. (garantisce la tenuta).
6:Rimming e Curling:Bordatura: il bordo superiore della tazza viene arricciato per formare un bordo (resistenza strutturale e bordo liscio per bere). Sigillatura a caldo: Il bordo arricciato viene sigillato a caldo per rinforzare la struttura della tazza.
7:Ispezione e controllo qualità.
8:Imballaggio: Confezionati in buste o scatole.




Altre ciotole/stili a scelta

Key Features & Benefits

  1. Resistenza al caloreDisposable bowls for hot food are manufactured to be used in high temperatures thus they are capable of carrying a variety of hot meals. This is because the hot cereal bowls keep their configurations even when there are hot items like soup or stew inside them.
  2. Leakproof and SturdyConstructed of quality materials, these disposable food bowls are leakproof so there is no possibility of any liquid or any sauce leaking out. Their design makes them very effective in delivering takeouts and deliveries.
  3. Sicuro per le microondeThese disposable bowls are designed in a way that they are microwave-safe and hence food can be reheated without having to shift supplies to different containers.
  4. Eco-friendly and SustainableBoth kraft paper and white paper board are biodegradable and recyclable which is in line with the increasing demand for Are Plant biopackaging.
  5. Flexible DesignThe bowls measure from 500ml to 1500ml and come in different shapes including round, square, and rectangle. Such flexibility is perfect for a range of dishes from salads, noodle dishes, and soups to desserts.
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
insalatiere di carta monouso con coperchio
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
ciotole di carta monouso
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
ciotole di carta kraft con coperchio
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
disposable bowls for hot food
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
ciotole di carta monouso

Scenari di utilizzo ideali

  • Restaurants & Cafés

Il nostro disposable bowls for hot food are easy for the customer who wants to dine in or take out, because it is suitable for serving hot meals like soup noodles and rice in busy restaurant settings.

  • Servizi di asporto e consegna

When your company or restaurant gives its customers takeaway or delivery services, these disposable bowls for hot food are an efficient pack for any meal and are eco-friendly.

  • Catering ed eventi

No matter if it is for a party, a wedding, or even a corporate occasion, our bowls disposable are an easy yet stylish way to present considerable amounts of hot meals.

  • Camioncini e venditori ambulanti

These disposable food bowls are designed for street venues and food truck businesses that require disposable, leakproof, and tough containers for serving food quickly.


The Environmental Trend: Paper Packaging

The previous line is similar to this: The growing popularity of paper packaging solutions like our disposable bowls is on par with the greener approach that the world has been adopting. Since more consumers and companies look for eco-friendly products, paper packaging is the solution. Kraft paper and white cardboard are resources that can be renewed to decrease plastic waste. As these materials do not reduce the quality or usefulness of disposable food bowls, you are helping save the environment more effectively than you may think.


Mostra di stampa personalizzata
Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
disposable bowls for hot food

Servizio personalizzato

Ciotole monouso per cibi caldi
disposable bowls for hot food

Contattateci per la stampa

Domande frequenti

  • Is it safe to put hot food in these bowls?

Of course, those disposable bowls for hot food that we offer are very effective at dealing with high temperatures without any leaking of the contents or change in the structure of the bowl.

  • Are the bowls microwaveable?

Definitely! These bowls disposable are and microwaveable so you can pop over those meals in them and heat them in the microwave oven.

  • Is it possible to order products with our own design?

Absolutely, we offer customizing options including your logo and design on the bowls. Find out how to get your logo on our disposable bowls for food by talking to us

  • Which sizes do you have?

Our sizes currently go from 500ml to 1500ml in volume and this is sufficient volume for every type of serving and meal.

  • These bowls, are they environmentally safe?

The answer is yes as our disposable food bowls are made out of materials that can be composted and/or recycled hence safe for the environment.



Il nostro disposable bowls for hot food deliver unmatched practical, eco-friendly, and multipurpose features. The bowls are made of sturdy Carta kraft e carta di cartone bianca which are good for use in restaurants, takeaways, and catering services as disposable hot food containers. They even come with designs, are heat resistant, and are made from green materials so they could be used in the food service industry without worries. Contact us for bulk inquiries as well as branding services.

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