Cornstarch Tableware: The Eco-Friendly Alternative You Need

Cornstarch tableware has emerged as a promising eco-friendly alternative in a world increasingly focused on sustainability and reducing environmental footprints. Made from renewable resources, it offers a practical solution to the environmental challenges posed by traditional plastic products. This blog explores its benefits, production process, and potential to transform the dining industry. What is Cornstarch […]
Posate monouso compostabili: 8 motivi per scegliere gli utensili ecologici

In un mondo sempre più consapevole della propria impronta ambientale, fare scelte sostenibili è diventato più importante che mai. Le posate usa e getta sono un punto fermo della comodità moderna, ma le opzioni tradizionali in plastica comportano costi ecologici significativi. Le posate ecologiche e compostabili rappresentano una svolta nella vita sostenibile. Ecco otto motivi convincenti per cambiare: 1. Ridurre la plastica [...]
Posate CPLA - Utensili compostabili certificati 100%

It is now widely accepted that there is a dire need to protect the environment, which is exactly why CPLA (Crystalline Polylactic Acid) cutlery is being coined as the future of sustainable dining. These utensils come as a blessing to those working around the world to reduce plastic waste as they serve their intended purpose […]