Contenitore per alimenti in bagassa di canna da zucchero

Contenitore per alimenti in bagassa

Contenitore per alimenti in bagassa di canna da zucchero

Sugarcane bagasse food container which is derived from the sugar residue of cane, is considered as an ideal environmental packaging substitute. It has great strength and moisture barrier properties and is perfect for takeaway, food service, and pre-packaged meals. These containers are great for restaurants and catering companies, and for customers who are looking for an environmentally friendly option to plastic containers.

Richiedi un preventivo

Contenitore per alimenti in bagassa di canna da zucchero

Contenitori monouso con coperchio per alimenti

Scatola per il pranzo compostabile in canna da zucchero con coperchio

Contenitori per alimenti biodegradabili senza BPA PFAS con coperchi

Contenitori da asporto biodegradabili e monouso per alimenti

Scatole per il pranzo a 2 scomparti monouso

Contenitori divisi per la conservazione degli alimenti con coperchi alla rinfusa

Contenitori monouso per alimenti da asporto

Contenitori Bento Box monouso

Eco Friendly vassoi con coperchi fabbrica all'ingrosso

Vassoi per alimenti in bagassa monouso

Vassoi per alimenti monouso con coperchi all'ingrosso

Vassoi per polpa di cellulosa modellata con bagassa di canna da zucchero

Vassoi per alimenti compostabili

Contenitori da asporto con coperchio

Vassoi da asporto con coperchio

100% Vassoio compostabile a 5 scomparti con coperchio Vassoi monouso per la mensa scolastica

Insalatiere usa e getta ecologiche con coperchi da 24 once

Insalatiera in bagassa di canna da zucchero con coperchio 32 oz 1000ml

Insalatiere biodegradabili con coperchio

Ciotole biodegradabili con coperchio in bagassa di canna da zucchero per insalata

Polpa di carta monouso Ciotole biodegradabili all'ingrosso

Ciotole in fibra compostabile di bagassa di canna da zucchero 750-1000-1250ml

Insalatiere da asporto di canna da zucchero all'ingrosso

Ciotole da asporto e contenitori per insalata usa e getta

Ciotole ecologiche con coperchi monouso

Ciotola Poke Hawaii con coperchio

Ciotole esagonali in bagassa compostabili con coperchio 1000ml 1300ml 1600ml

Contenitori per alimenti a 2 scomparti monouso all'ingrosso

Scatola per alimenti monouso 100% Compostable Bulk Wholesale

Pranzo contenitori alimentari usa e getta con coperchi all'ingrosso

Richiedi il campione gratuito

About Sugarcane Bagasse Food Container

On the other hand, a contenitore per alimenti in bagassa di canna da zucchero is not as popular as the latter but they do have their casters, which served as a replacement for plastic and styrofoam in the fourth millennium, Cuba being its first adopted a food plate. They are furthermore completely natural, ecological, cultivated,d and decompose since they originate out of the material got from processing sugar, known as sugarcane. These containers measure between 6 to ten inches in diameter (450 – 1800 ml) and are ideal for food items such as meals, salads and soups.


Bioleader manufacture in China which offers sina cane bags has been in the industry for a long And so far holds the largest portfolio of clients, the company manufactures contenitore per alimenti in bagassa di canna da zucchero at an ideal price. The best thing about the factory is that it manufactures a sufficient quantity of these straps for restaurants without harming the environment in the process.

Materiale: Bagassa di canna da zucchero e processo produttivo: Stampaggio della pasta di carta

Sugarcane bagasse food container is made with the aid of sugarcane bagasse which is an agricultural waste that comes from the sugarcane once sugar has been extracted. These fibers are lightweight but strong hence making them ideal for food contact packaging materials.

These containers are created by using the paper pulp molding technique, where fibers of the sugarcane are soaked in water forming a pulp. This slurry is subsequently cast into various cross-sectional configurations and dimensions under heat and pressure, thus providing the capability to create strong leak-proof containers suitable for food storage and transport as well.

Bioleader® Sugarcane Bagasse Food Container Solution

Caratteristiche e vantaggi

  1. Verde: Constructed with sugarcane bagasse, these containers offer sustainability.

  2. Compostabile: Can naturally decompose, thus contributing positively to the composting environmentally ideal.

  3. Most of the Waste Decomposes: Such containers do not give off any chemical residue as they decompose completely.

  4. Hygienic: Does not contain free PFAS and BPA making contact with food secure.

  5. Durevole: The sugarcane bagasse food container can be used across a broad spectrum containing greasy and liquid-based food.

  6. Utilizzabile in microonde: These containers are easily microwaveable, and food can be reheated in them without hassle.

  7. Recycling-friendly: Following their usage, these containers are recycling-friendly, further aiding a circular economy.

  8. Good for preparation number of products: Provides multiple servings as suited for meals, soups, noodles, salads and others.

Usage Scenarios and Applications

  1. Servizi di asporto e consegna: These bags effectively keep food intact while transporting and delivering the food expecting the consumers not to incur any losses.

  2. Ristoranti e caffè: One can say they are multipurpose, be it for eating in a restaurant, taking food away, or delivering it to someone.

  3. Catering and Event Services: Using these bags makes it easy to pack a large number of items for eco-friendly events.

  4. Meal Prep Businesses: Suitable for frozen mammoth meals that are sold and marketed for consumers as a better alternative.

  5. Feste e raduni: These will be effective for food served at green events and parties.

Impatto ambientale e tendenze del settore

The choice of using contenitore per alimenti in bagassa di canna da zucchero has gained popularity since many strive to become more environmentally friendly. Since the world is facing challenges with plastic waste, the urgency of altering ourselves to bioplastic alternatives made from bagasse has never been greater. Not only are these eco-friendly containers in sync with reaching the go green goal, but they also enable businesses to achieve their CSR target of reducing the emissions footprint of the organization and providing green options to its customers.

FAQ of Bioleader's Sugarcane Bagasse Food Container

1. Are sugarcane bagasse food containers durable?
Yes, these containers are sturdy and can hold both hot and cold foods without losing their integrity.

2. Can these containers be used for both hot and cold foods?
Absolutely. Sugarcane bagasse food containers are designed to maintain their strength and form even with hot or liquid-based foods.

3. How long does it take for these containers to decompose?
They typically break down within a few months when composted, reducing waste and contributing to environmental sustainability.

4. Are these containers safe to use in a microwave?
Sì, sugarcane bagasse food containers are microwave-safe, making them convenient for reheating meals.

5. How do these containers compare to plastic alternatives?
Unlike plastic container, contenitore per alimenti in bagassa di canna da zucchero is biodegradable, compostable, and free from harmful chemicals, offering a safer and more eco-friendly option for food packaging.

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