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Ciotole e tazze per zuppa Kraft

ArticoloNome del prodottoPeso della carta
PE-SCK08Ciotola per zuppa da 8 oz (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SCK12Ciotola per zuppa da 12 once (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SCK16Ciotola per zuppa da 16 once (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SCK26Zuppiera da 26 once (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SCK32Zuppiera da 32 once (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
Coperchio di cartaCoperchio di carta: 90/98/115/118 mmCoperchio in carta kraft Coperchio in carta bianca
Coperchio in PPCoperchio in PP: 90/98/115/118 mmCoperchio in plastica PP

Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups

Il nostro ciotole per zuppa kraft e kraft soup cups are ideal for businesses seeking durable, eco-friendly packaging solutions. Made from Carta kraft e carta di cartone bianca, these containers are designed to handle both hot and cold foods, making them perfect for soups, stews, and other liquid dishes. Available in a range of sizes and with multiple lid options, including carta, PP, e Coperchi in PET, making them safe from leaks during transport. They are fully branded containers with logos targeted to customers especially those with restaurants, cafes, etc., and going green is no longer a challenge worth shying away from. As we all know how rapidly the trend to use eco packaging evolves, it can be said that ciotole per zuppa kraft e kraft soup cups are the way to go.
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
                                            Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups: 8,12,16,26,32oz
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
Carta Kraft
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
Libro bianco
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
contenitori di carta per zuppa
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
contenitori per zuppa con coperchio

Ciotole e tazze per zuppa Kraft

Kraft soup bowls e kraft soup cups are some of the most helpful elements of modern food services mainly because of their functionality as well as the green attributes of their design. These containers are suitable in all sorts of food since they are ideal for a business mindset who wants to offer packaging solutions that are both efficient and environmentally friendly. These containers are not only helpful in keeping the quality of soups, stews, and other nutritious liquid dishes but they also come in a natural style that goes well with the current packaging trends.

Material: Kraft Paper and White Cardboard Paper

The primary material of our ciotole per zuppa kraft e kraft soup cups è carta kraft which is strong and dark brown. This material is quite strong and can withstand holding of either hot or cold edibles without breakage. In addition, there is white cardboard paper that is more plain and bright for clients who wish to increase their company image, describing a better-sophisticated look. They are both easy to dispose of by way of biodegradation and composting which suits the preference of environment-friendly customers.

Lid Options for Secure Transport

To accommodate all needs, our ciotole per zuppa kraft as well as our kraft soup cups come with appropriate lids that serve different purposes as well. There are coperchi di carta that heat shrinkable smooth and eco–friendly or there are PP e Coperchi in PET which are tough and suitable for use after being disposed of. These lids are designed to be in such a way that there is no leakage and every little bit of food stays hot when being transported, hence, ideal for take away or delivery services.

Zuppiera di carta con coperchio (Kraft e bianco)

ArticoloNome del prodottoPeso della cartaDimensione del prodotto (Alto*Basso*Alto)Pz/ CTNDimensioni del cartone (cm)
PE-SCK088 oz Zuppiera (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm90*72*62 o 98*81*60500471961
PE-SCK1212 oz Zuppiera (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm90*73*86 o 98*81*70500502147
PE-SCK1616 oz Zuppiera (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm98*75*99 o 115*98*72500502158
PE-SCK2626 oz Zuppiera (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm118*96*108 mm500602564
PE-SCK3232 oz Zuppiera (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm118*93*131 mm500602575
Coperchi di cartaCoperchio di carta da 90 mm (8, 12 oz)

Coperchio in carta kraft

Coperchio in carta bianca

90 mm5006020.550
Coperchio di carta da 98 mm (8, 12, 16 oz)98 mm500652254
Coperchio di carta da 115 mm (16 oz)115 mm500642562
Coperchio di carta da 118 mm (26,32 oz)118 mm5006725.563
Coperchio in PPCoperchio in PP da 90 mm (8,12 oz)Coperchio in plastica PP90 mm 2,3 g1000392949
Coperchio in PP da 98 mm (8, 12, 16 oz)98 mm 3,4 g1000512541
Coperchio in PP da 118 mm (26,32 oz)118 mm 5 g1000613149
Opzioni con rivestimento in pellicolaPE(singolo)Singolo PE 18 gsm (100% riciclabile,questo è il tipo di scelta normale)
PE(doppio)Doppio 18gsm PE (disponibile per ghiaccio, freddo e congelatore)
PLAPLA singolo da 31 gsm (100% biodegradabile e compostabile)
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
ciotole per zuppa kraft
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
contenitori per zuppa in carta kraft
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
contenitori per zuppa in carta con coperchi in PP
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
contenitori per zuppa in carta kraft
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
kraft soup cups
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
contenitori per zuppa in carta kraft

Personalizzazione disponibile

Companies have the liberty to personalize and brand their kraft soup cups e ciotole per zuppa kraft with the printing of company logos, artwork, and branding, among other items. Promotion of brand identification at the same time delivering an approach to buyers is embedded into the marketing strategy of every company. Wrapping up on such custom-printed containers is one efficient way of presenting the business visually and reinforcing its eco-friendly initiatives. Please reach out to us and let us help you with your design and printing requirements.

Come personalizzare il logo/la stampa a colori?


Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups

Forniamo logo/colore di stampa su misura OEM/ODM in base al MOQ: 50.000 pezzi ciascuno:

Area di stampa: 1: Corpo e fondo della tazza;

                                    2: Area superiore del coperchio della carta,

  • Contattateci e scegliere l'articolo/la taglia desiderata.
  • Confermare l'ordine con noi. (Contratto firmato/PI)
  • Progettazione/disegno: Ci inviate il profilo in formato PDF, AI, CDR, o un logo chiaro, un disegno, e ci dite la vostra idea o un semplice design. Poi potremo progettare liberamente per voi.
  • Oppure vi forniamo i disegni di stampa in bianco dei formati/tipi che scegliete e ce li rispedite dopo averli progettati.
  • Finalizzare: Il progetto/disegno verrà adattato in base alle fasi 3 o 4 e poi confermato dopo un'attenta verifica.
  • Campioni: Possiamo rilasciare i campioni di stampa (se necessario).
  • Produzione: Organizzeremo la produzione di massa in tempo secondo il nostro piano di produzione.
  • Finito: Prodotti finiti e organizzare l'esportazione verso di voi in base al contratto o all'accordo.

Processo di produzione di bicchieri e ciotole di carta

1: Selezione del cartone: Scegliere lo spessore, il peso e le proprietà del rivestimento in base all'ordine.
2:Rivestimento: Il cartone è rivestito da un sottile strato di plastica (PE o PLA) (per impermeabilizzare e trattenere i liquidi).
3:Stampa: Stampa flessografica con il disegno desiderato.
4:Cutting: Taglio in lastre piatte, quindi fustellatura in forme specifiche da utilizzare per il corpo delle tazze.
5:Formazione: Formazione del corpo della tazza: i bordi vengono riscaldati e incollati insieme per creare una forma cilindrica. Sigillatura del fondo: il pezzo di fondo circolare viene inserito e sigillato al corpo della tazza mediante calore e pressione. (garantisce la tenuta).
6:Rimming e Curling:Bordatura: il bordo superiore della tazza viene arricciato per formare un bordo (resistenza strutturale e bordo liscio per bere). Sigillatura a caldo: Il bordo arricciato viene sigillato a caldo per rinforzare la struttura della tazza.
7:Ispezione e controllo qualità.
8:Imballaggio: Confezionati in buste o scatole.




Altre ciotole/stili a scelta

Caratteristiche e vantaggi

  1. Durata: These kraft soup bowls and kraft soup cups withstand the heat and moisture of hot food such as soup, stew, etc., and do not lose their shape.
  2. Ecologico: These containers made out of Kraft paper and white cardboard paper are easily broken down as well as composted therefore no waste is produced.
  3. Resistente alle perdite: Our bowls and cups are in such a robust construction that even dishes such as soup wouldn’t have any leaks or dripping liquids.
  4. Sicuro per le microonde: The kraft soup bowls have an overall microwave-safe structure, which permits stored meals to be reheated in their bowls.
  5. Multiple Sizes: These come in different container sizes such as 4oz-32oz, so they can fit in almost any portion size that needs to be served whether in small quantities or larger ones.
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
Contenitori per zuppa in carta kraft con coperchio
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
Contenitori per zuppa in carta kraft con coperchio

Scenari d'uso

  1. Ristoranti e caffè: Provides ready-to-serve chicken and noodle soups, stews, noodles, or any hot/cold dish for compromising dine-in and takeout services.
  2. Asporto e consegna: With the inside wall being smooth, these kraft soup cups will prevent all food from getting smeared all over during delivery services or even when one takes away food in the containers.
  3. Camioncini: Operators of mobile food carts can depend on these containers for hot foods on the go, safely and diligently maintaining the temperature of the foods inside.
  4. Servizi di catering: Catering professionals can utilize and serve large amounts of food in ciotole per zuppa kraft which will add a more livable use for climate change from waste.
  5. Events and Parties: Questi kraft soup cups are both useful and environmentally friendly when it comes to serving customers whether there is a party or an occasion held.

The Naturalistic Aspect of Paper Packaging

The global trend towards sustainable packaging has been rising with consumers making use of environmentally friendly materials instead of plastics. Kraft soup gallon containers e kraft soup cut dresses are a part of this trend providing an alternative packaging for dispersable food products. Equally, while plastic containers take hundreds of years to biodegrade, Carta kraft is recyclable and is often destroyed in biodegradation processes hence reducing the effects of packing disposables on the environment.

Mostra di stampa personalizzata
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
custom made kraft soup bowls
Kraft Soup Bowls & Cups
custom made kraft soup cups

Domande comuni

  1. Can these containers be used in the microwave?

For sure, these ciotole per zuppa kraft are microwaveable hence the food does need to be heated on the stove.

  1. Are these bowls and cups with printing purposes available for private labeling?

Yes, we do provide all-around modifications such as crafting logos, branding, and other imprinting on the surface of our products such as kraft soup cups and kraft soup bowls. Write us for further information.

  1. What type of lids are there?

Provision of paper lids, PP lids, and PET lids which as their name suggests are specially designed for these bowls and cups to keep food warm and avoid spilling as well as securing the contents within.

  1. These bowls and these cups are eco-friendly. Isn’t it?

Sure, the products are made out of biomass layers like Kraft paper and white cardboard paper hence these materials are sustainable for your business.

  1. What are the dimensions and handled volume of the bowls and cups?

4 oz, 8 oz, 12 oz, 16 oz, 20 oz and 32 oz, Our kraft soup cups and kraft soup bowls are available in multiple sizes to accommodate serving requirements.


Being a prominent Produttore cinese, our mission is to create cost-effective green food packaging products. No wonder, our ciotole per zuppa kraft e kraft soup cups are fortunately in great demand at places, where people’s attention needs to be captured like restaurants, cafes, food trucks, and events. Such containers come with plenty of sizes, different lid options, and complete personalization and are developed to help businesses tap into their various needs while at the same time enhancing environmental sustainability. Contact us today for bulk orders or to find out how you can make your custom orders.

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