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Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio

ArticoloNome del prodottoPeso della carta
PE-SSK16Ciotola da 500 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SSK26Ciotola da 750 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SSK32Ciotola da 1000 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SSK36Ciotola da 1090 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SSK40Ciotola da 1200 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
PE-SSK44Ciotola da 1300 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm Carta bianca 320gsm
Coperchio di cartaCoperchio di carta: 90/98/115/118 mmCoperchio in carta kraft Coperchio in carta bianca
Coperchio in PETCoperchio a cupola in PET: (trasparente per il freddo)Size:148/168/175/184mm
Coperchio in PPCoperchio in PP: (utilizzabile in microonde per il caldo)Dimensioni: 148/168/175 mm

Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio

To go bowls with lids are a practical and eco-friendly solution for modern food packaging needs. Made from Kraft paper and white cardboard, can be PE or PLA coated, these to go bowls offer durability, versatility, and sustainability in one package. Available in various sizes, they are perfect for hot and cold foods, and their secure lids make them ideal for takeout, delivery, and meal prepping. With customization options available, these ciotole con coperchio can also serve as a powerful branding tool for businesses. Whether you’re running a restaurant, catering event, or food delivery service, take out to go bowls provide the perfect balance of convenience, functionality, and environmental responsibility.
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
to go bowls with lids
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
ciotole da asporto
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
insalatiere di carta

Carta Kraft

Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
insalatiere di carta bianca

Carta di cartone bianca


To Go Bowls with Lids: These are the Best Development for Modern Takeaway.

In the modern scenario, to go bowls with lids are now both commercially and personally in use. Deliberate to ensure ease of use, these to go bowls provide a more effective method of wrapping food while trying not to be irresponsible with the resources. Running a restaurant, food delivery companies, or packing a meal, take out to go bowls offer ways to keep food from spoiling, spilling or being cumbersome to carry. They are made from soft, lightweight yet strong and eco-friendly materials, and businesses have no choice but to embrace them for their functionality and environmental conservation.

Material: Kraft Paper and White Cardboard Paper

Il nostro to go bowls with lids are made from two main types of materials: Kraft paper and white cardboard paper. Kraft paper is brown and more coarse than most papers, has high toughness and some water resistant properties which make it good for holding medium-to-heavy and medium-hot food items. Conversely, the white cardboard paper provides an aesthetic appeal even as it remains tough. Both of these materials can be recycled and are environmentally friendly – a fact that helps in the packaging design that conforms to the current green principles and yet maintains the needed standard.

Insalatiera di carta con coperchio (Kraft e bianco)
ArticoloNome del prodottoPeso della cartaDimensioni del prodotto (alto*basso*alto)Pz/ CTNDimensioni del cartone (cm)
PE-SSK16Ciotola da 500 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm148*131*46 mm300463148
PE-SSK26Ciotola da 750 ml (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm148*129*60 mm300463149
PE-SSK321000ml Ciotola (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm148*129*78 mm300463151
Opzioni del coperchioCoperchio piatto in PP da 148 mm6.5g148 mm300483331.5
Coperchio a cupola in PET da 148 mm9g148 mm3004733.531.5
Coperchio in carta da 148 mmKraft / Bianco148 mm300683248
PE-SSK361090ml Ciotola (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm168*145*65 mm300523357
Opzioni del coperchioCoperchio piatto in PP da 168 mm10g168 mm300543236
Coperchio a cupola in PET da 168 mm11g168 mm300553837
Coperchio in carta da 168 mmKraft / Bianco168 mm150413654
PE-SSK401200ml Ciotola (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm175*148*68 mm300543658
Opzioni del coperchioCoperchio piatto in PP da 175 mm10g175 mm600555538
Coperchio a cupola in PET da 175 mm12g175 mm300573837
Coperchio in carta da 175 mmKraft / Bianco175 mm150383856
PE-SSK441300ml Ciotola (Kraft/Bianco)Carta Kraft 337gsm / Carta bianca 320gsm184*161*70 mm300553760
Opzioni del coperchioCoperchio in carta da 184 mmKraft / Bianco184 mm150403659
Coperchio a cupola in PET da 184 mm12g184 mm300584034
Opzioni con rivestimento in pellicolaPE(singolo)Singolo PE 18 gsm (100% riciclabile, questo è il tipo di scelta normale)
PE(doppio)Doppio 18gsm PE (disponibile per ghiaccio, freddo e freezer)
PLAPLA singolo da 31 gsm (100% biodegradabile e compostabile)


Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
insalatiere monouso
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
insalatiere monouso
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
takeaway salad bowls with lids
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
ciotole da asporto
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
takeaway bowls with lids
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
take away bowls with lids

Customization: A Powerful Branding Tool

Complete customization of our take out to go bowls is available. Do you want to print your brand colors or any other custom designs? Whatever your answers, we can make it work. Professionally designed bowls with lids not only enhance the professional feel of your food delivery packaging but also promote brand recognition. You may contact us for further details on logo printing and design customization.


Come personalizzare il logo/la stampa a colori?


Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio

Forniamo logo/colore di stampa su misura OEM/ODM in base al MOQ: 50.000 pezzi ciascuno:

Area di stampa: 1: Corpo e fondo della tazza;

                                    2: Area superiore del coperchio della carta,

  • Contattateci e scegliere l'articolo/la taglia desiderata.
  • Confermare l'ordine con noi. (Contratto firmato/PI)
  • Progettazione/disegno: Ci inviate il profilo in formato PDF, AI, CDR, o un logo chiaro, un disegno, e ci dite la vostra idea o un semplice design. Poi potremo progettare liberamente per voi.
  • Oppure vi forniamo i disegni di stampa in bianco dei formati/tipi che scegliete e ce li rispedite dopo averli progettati.
  • Finalizzare: Il progetto/disegno verrà adattato in base alle fasi 3 o 4 e poi confermato dopo un'attenta verifica.
  • Campioni: Possiamo rilasciare i campioni di stampa (se necessario).
  • Produzione: Organizzeremo la produzione di massa nei tempi previsti dal nostro piano di produzione.
  • Finito: Prodotti finiti e organizzare l'esportazione verso di voi in base al contratto o all'accordo.

Processo di produzione di bicchieri e ciotole di carta

1: Selezione del cartone: Scegliere lo spessore, il peso e le proprietà del rivestimento in base all'ordine.
2:Rivestimento: Il cartone è rivestito da un sottile strato di plastica (PE o PLA) (per impermeabilizzare e trattenere i liquidi).
3:Stampa: Stampa flessografica con il disegno desiderato.
4:Cutting: Taglio in lastre piatte, quindi fustellatura in forme specifiche da utilizzare per il corpo delle tazze.
5:Formazione: Formazione del corpo della tazza: i bordi vengono riscaldati e incollati insieme per creare una forma cilindrica. Sigillatura del fondo: il pezzo di fondo circolare viene inserito e sigillato al corpo della tazza mediante calore e pressione. (garantisce la tenuta).
6:Rimming e Curling:Bordatura: il bordo superiore della tazza viene arricciato per formare un bordo (resistenza strutturale e bordo liscio per bere). Sigillatura a caldo: Il bordo arricciato viene sigillato a caldo per rinforzare la struttura della tazza.
7:Ispezione e controllo qualità.
8:Imballaggio: Confezionati in buste o scatole.




Altre ciotole/stili a scelta

Key Features of Our To Go Bowls with Lids

  1. Secure Lids for Easy Transport: Each bowl comes equipped with a snug plastic lid for easy transportation as the food will be preserved fresh and free of any spillage. This feature makes it ideal for take-out, deliveries, and even for meal prep.
  2. Durability for Hot and Cold Foods: These to go bowls can contain hot as well as cold foods without the material warping or leaking for which customers complaining of their meals not being in the right state will not be a problem.
  3. Sicuro per microonde e congelatore: Safe for microwave and freezer use, the bowls with lids allow the customers to microwave their meals for reheating and keep their leftovers in the same packing without having to change containers.
  4. Ecologico: This bowl is made of kraft paper or white cardboard which is recyclable, this is why these bowls are suitable for the current demand for eco-friendly packaging options.
  5. Varietà di dimensioni: – In the case of these to go bowls their capacities are in the range500ml,750ml,1000ml,1090ml,1200ml,1300ml, and 1500ml, making it possible for a variety of meals including salads and noodles and even soups to be packed.
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
insalatiere di carta monouso con coperchio
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
ciotole di carta monouso
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
ciotole di carta kraft con coperchio
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
insalatiera di carta
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
takeaway bowls with lids

Use Cases and Suitable Applications

  1. Ristoranti e caffè – Ideal for takeout meals, on-the-go packaging for salads, soups, and noodles that do not look out of place or are easily spoiled.
  2. Camioncini e venditori ambulanti – Best suited for fast service environments where excellent packaging solutions are required to be able to serve customers on the go.
  3. Catering ed eventi – Useful for meetings and other kinds of events for sale for single use but not quite at least made from recycled materials for such purposes as the current trend dictates.
  4. Meal Prep and Delivery Services – These bowls come with safe covers as well as being made from strong materials enabling these bowls to be used for meal delivery without compromising the quality of the meal during wave.
Mostra di stampa personalizzata
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
ciotole di carta personalizzate
Ciotole da viaggio con coperchio
ciotole di carta personalizzate

Eco-Friendly Packaging Trend

The ongoing globalization engenders numerous restructuring changes that influence the entire environment. The requirement for to go bowls with lids manufactured from sustainable materials is on the rise as Pallule users are more and more concerned about how they affect the environment. Our offerings, which are the take out to go bowls, also stand up in this fight and offer a green alternative without sacrificing quality and convenience. These bowls allow businesses that are targeting such consumers to balance methods and self-interest as well as protecting the environment. Being a Chinese manufacturer to encourage the move towards a greener package we encourage wholesalers who seek such packages at affordable rates.

Frequently Asked Questions about Takeaway Bowls with Lids

  • Are these bowls suitable for serving hot foods?

Certainly, our to go bowls with lids make it possible to serve hot foods such as soup, noodles, and stew without leaking or deforming.

  • Can I use a microwave oven for these bowls?

You most definitely can Yes! you can warm up your food using these take out to go bowls without the fear that the container will be destroyed.

  • Can we put our company logo on the bowls?

Of course! We provide you with customization possibilities to add logos and designs on the bowls with lids to help strengthen your company’s image. Turn to us for further information on the customization options available.

  • What are the dimensions it comes in?

As for the to go bowls, these are available in different capacities of 500ml,750ml,1000ml,1090ml,1200ml,1300ml, and 1500ml. This implies that it serves a range of meals, that is, when it is served in a small salad one portion comes with it, and when it is served in larger portions many servings are included.

  • Do the lids hold tight so there are no leakage problems while in transit?

Yes, the lids are designed in such a way that they are fastened to the container securely and will not let the contents escape or leak during transit, which is an ideal characteristic for takeaway and delivery orders.


In conclusione, il nostro to go bowls with lids are more than just food containers—they’re a reflection of your brand’s values and commitment to quality. With their eco-friendly materials, customizable designs, and versatile functionality, these bowls are the ideal choice for any food service operation. As a trusted Chinese manufacturer, we are dedicated to providing products that meet the highest standards of quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. Explore the benefits of our to go bowls with lids today and elevate your food packaging to the next level.

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