Récipients alimentaires en bagasse

Récipients alimentaires en bagasse

Bagasse food containers are an eco-friendly and sustainable solution for food packaging. Made from sugarcane fibers, these containers are biodegradable, compostable, and a great alternative to plastic. They are perfect for takeout, restaurants, and events, offering strength, safety, and versatility. A smart choice for businesses and consumers committed to sustainability.

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Récipients alimentaires en bagasse

Récipients jetables avec couvercles pour aliments

Boîte à lunch compostable en canne à sucre avec couvercle

Récipients alimentaires biodégradables avec couvercles, sans BPA ni PFAS

Récipients jetables biodégradables pour aliments à emporter

Boîtes à lunch jetables à 2 compartiments

Récipients de conservation divisés avec couvercles

Récipients alimentaires jetables pour la vente à emporter

Boîtes à bento jetables

Plateaux écologiques avec couvercles

Barquettes alimentaires jetables en bagasse

Plateaux alimentaires jetables avec couvercles

Bacs à pulpe moulés en bagasse de canne à sucre

Plateaux alimentaires compostables

Récipients à emporter avec couvercles

Plateaux à emporter avec couvercles

100% Plateau compostable à 5 compartiments avec couvercle Plateaux repas scolaires jetables

Bols à salade jetables écologiques avec couvercles

Saladier en bagasse de canne à sucre avec couvercle

Saladiers biodégradables avec couvercles

Bols biodégradables en bagasse de canne à sucre avec couvercles pour salade

Bols biodégradables jetables en pâte à papier

Bols en fibre compostable en bagasse de canne à sucre 750-1000-1250ml

Bagasse de canne à sucre Bols à salade à emporter

Bols à emporter jetables Récipients à salade

Bols écologiques avec couvercles jetables

Bol à Poke Hawaii avec couvercle

Bols hexagonaux en bagasse compostables avec couvercles 1000ml 1300ml 1600ml

Conteneurs alimentaires jetables à 2 compartiments Wholesale

Boîte alimentaire jetable 100% Compostable

Récipients alimentaires jetables avec couvercles pour le déjeuner

About Bagasse Food Containers

Le bagasse food containers are a highly sustainable alternative to the traditional food containers that are made of plastic. These containers are highly bio-degradable and environment-friendly as they are made of sugarcane pulp. Bioleader, one of the leading manufacturers based in China, manufactures bagasse food containers in various dimensions ranging from 6 to 10 inches (volume of 450ml to 1800ml), and almost all kinds of food packaging can be done with these.


Here at Bioleader, we manufacture bagasse food containers using the best technology available on the market. We sell our containers wholesale to various businesses that are looking to improve their green credentials with their more eco-friendly packaging options. Being a factory based in China, we are motivated by product quality as well as environmental protection.

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Matériau : Bagasse de canne à sucre et processus de production : Moulage de la pâte à papier

The main constituent of bagasse food containers is bagasse, the fibrous residual matter of plants after extracting juice or pulp that results from the squeezing of cane stalks. Bagasse is proven to be a convenient, lightweight, durable, and bio-degradable fiber that is quite suitable for use in disposable containers.


These containers are made via a method of forming or shaping called paper pulp molding. The bonding of bagasse by water is then shredded and formed into a paste which can be molded under high temperature and high pressure into solid and leak-proof containers. This practice makes sure that the containers maintain prevention from the distortion of shape and also makes them free from toxins substances.

Bioleader® Bagasse Food Containers Solution

Caractéristiques et avantages

  1. Respect de l'environnement: These containers, made from natural sugarcane fiber, can also replace normal plastic as they are environmentally friendly.

  2. CompostableBagasse food containers are composed of materials that readily break down in nature and will decompose in an industrial compost site.

  3. Biodégradable: Since these containers are briefly exposed to the environment while being manufactured, they do not leave any harmful substances behind after disposal.

  4. Sécurité alimentaire: Free from chemicals such as BPA, PFAS, and others that may be risky to human health thus making them fit to be used with food.

  5. Étanche, imperméable et résistant à l'huile: Introducing an advanced solution for the containment of oily or wet foods without any danger of leaks.

  6. RecyclableBagasse food containers are made in such a way that every part is recyclable thereby assisting in a circular economy.

  7. Compatible avec le four à micro-ondes: Due to the nature of these containers, they do not melt in the microwave, therefore meals do not need to be taken out for reheating.

  8. Utilisation polyvalente: They can be used to pack food like meals, salads, noodles, and soups, which makes them ideal for restaurants, take-out places, and parties.

Usages and Applications

  1. Restaurants and Takeout: Suitable for packing food for delivery or takeaway while providing an environmentally friendly option.

  2. Restauration et événements: Effective for the provision of food on large scales at functions while facilitating eco-sensitive clients.

  3. Schools and Institutions: Aids in the provision of school lunches and meals in institutions while also ensuring to achievement environmentally sustainable objectives.

  4. Fêtes et rassemblements: Useful for serving food during occasions, picnics, and social gatherings while remaining environmentally friendly.

  5. Food Delivery Services: These containers are good for food delivery companies that are looking for a more environmentally friendly, as well as a more leak-resistant option.

Impact environnemental et tendances industrielles

The increasing popularity of these disposable bagasse food containers is a result of a blend of business alignment with emerging environmental and consumer trends. These trends, in turn, impact the food service industry packaging trends where uncompromising consumers are no longer supporting the use of plastics. Using bagasse food containers will therefore provide cost benefits in terms of carbon footprints together with being in line with the emerging designer world.

FAQ of Bioleader's Bagasse Food Containers

1. Are bagasse food containers safe for hot foods?
Yes, these containers are heat-resistant and can safely hold hot foods, including soups and meals.

2. How long does it take for bagasse food containers to decompose?
They typically break down within a few months in composting environments, making them an eco-friendly option.

3. Can bagasse food containers be used for both hot and cold foods?
Yes, these containers are designed to handle both hot and cold foods, offering versatility for various types of meals.

4. Are bagasse food containers microwave-safe?
Yes, they are microwave-safe, allowing users to heat food without worrying about the container’s safety.

5. How do bagasse food containers compare to plastic alternatives?
Bagasse food containers are biodegradable, compostable, and free from harmful chemicals, offering a safer and more eco-conscious alternative to plastic.

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