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Compostable Bowls with Lids

Objet Nom du produit Poids du papier
PE-SSK16 Bol de 500ml (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm Papier blanc 320gsm
PE-SSK26 Bol de 750 ml (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm Papier blanc 320gsm
PE-SSK32 Bol 1000ml (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm Papier blanc 320gsm
PE-SSK36 Bol 1090ml (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm Papier blanc 320gsm
PE-SSK40 Bol 1200ml (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm Papier blanc 320gsm
PE-SSK44 Bol 1300ml (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm Papier blanc 320gsm
Couvercle en papier Couvercle en papier : 90/98/115/118mm Couvercle en papier kraft Couvercle en papier blanc
Couvercle en PET Couvercle à dôme en PET : (transparent pour le froid) Size:148/168/175/184mm
Couvercle en PP Couvercle en PP : (peut être réchauffé au micro-ondes) Taille : 148/168/175mm

Compostable Bowls with Lids

Compostable bowls with lids provide an eco-friendly solution for businesses in the food industry. Made from kraft paper and white cardboard, these bowl compostable containers offer a sustainable alternative to plastic packaging. You can serve both hot and cold drinks during functions such as weddings, series business meetings, and other intense settings, as they come in sizes ranging from 500ml to 1500ml. The lids that are misplaced protect the food contents from any spilling so that no strayer droplets leak and get into spoilage. Many business establishments can use these bowls, as well as add their logos and artworks which make them great tools for advertising as well as environmentally friendly.
Compostable Bowls with Lids
compostable bowls with lids
Compostable Bowls with Lids
bowl compostable

Compostable Bowls with Lids

Papier Kraft

Compostable Bowls with Lids

Livre blanc

Compostable Bowls with Lids: A Sustainable Solution for Modern Food Packaging

In this new age where plastic use is being discouraged everywhere, compostable bowls with lids, have become a very viable answer to food containment. These bowl compostable products provide an alternative to plastic containers which enhance eco-friendliness and use to the businesses in tandem with stances on sustainability win all around. Functional and practical Compostable bowls are designed to serve either hot or cold meals hence performing the role of traditional bowls in restaurants, takeaway, or catering without adding much waste to the surroundings.

Materials: Kraft Paper and White Cardboard Paper.

The compostable packaging we use for our Compostable bowls is of high-quality compostable materials such as kraft paper and white cardboard. Kraft paper is usually robust and natural and is mostly preferred by businesses that want to come off as rustic but are durable. Most customers prefer white cardboard which looks modern, neat, and sophisticated even in usage as the main type of packaging and best adapts to restaurants or dining areas. These materials also guarantee that the bowl compostable will disintegrate into the earth after use facilitating the use of the earth.


Saladier en papier avec couvercle (Kraft et blanc)
Objet Nom du produit Poids du papier Taille du produit (haut*bas*haut) Pcs/ CTN Taille du carton (cm)
PE-SSK16 Bol de 500 ml (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm / Papier blanc 320gsm 148*131*46 mm 300 46 31 48
PE-SSK26 Bol de 750 ml (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm / Papier blanc 320gsm 148*129*60 mm 300 46 31 49
PE-SSK32 1000ml Bol (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm / Papier blanc 320gsm 148*129*78 mm 300 46 31 51
Options du couvercle Couvercle plat en PP 148mm 6.5g 148mm 300 48 33 31.5
Couvercle en dôme PET 148mm 9g 148mm 300 47 33.5 31.5
Couvercle en papier de 148 mm Kraft / Blanc 148mm 300 68 32 48
PE-SSK36 1090ml Bol (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm / Papier blanc 320gsm 168*145*65 mm 300 52 33 57
Options du couvercle Couvercle plat en PP de 168 mm 10g 168mm 300 54 32 36
Couvercle en dôme PET 168mm 11g 168mm 300 55 38 37
Couvercle en papier de 168 mm Kraft / Blanc 168mm 150 41 36 54
PE-SSK40 1200ml Bol (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm / Papier blanc 320gsm 175*148*68 mm 300 54 36 58
Options du couvercle Couvercle plat en PP de 175 mm 10g 175 mm 600 55 55 38
Couvercle en dôme PET 175mm 12g 175 mm 300 57 38 37
Couvercle en papier de 175 mm Kraft / Blanc 175 mm 150 38 38 56
PE-SSK44 1300ml Bol (Kraft/Blanc) Papier kraft 337gsm / Papier blanc 320gsm 184*161*70 mm 300 55 37 60
Options du couvercle Couvercle en papier de 184 mm Kraft / Blanc 184mm 150 40 36 59
Couvercle dôme PET 184mm 12g 184mm 300 58 40 34
Options de pelliculage PE(single) PE 18gsm simple (100% recyclable), c'est le type de choix normal)
PE(double) Double PE 18gsm (disponible pour la glace, le froid et la congélation)
PLA PLA simple 31gsm (100% biodégradable et compostable)

PLA Coated: Enhancing Durability and Sustainability

Although our biodegradable bowls with lids center sustainability, we also know how important durability is in food packaging. These bowls can be PLA coated. Derived from renewable materials such as maize starch, PLA (polylactic acid) is completely biodegradable and exactly matches the environmentally friendly character of our bowls. From salads and noodles to soups and sauces, the PLA covering guarantees that our biodegradable bowls are resistant to moisture and grease, thus fitting for a broad spectrum of food products.

Compostable Bowls with Lids
compostable paper bowls
Compostable Bowls with Lids
biodegradable paper bowls
Compostable Bowls with Lids
salad bowl paper
Compostable Bowls with Lids
compostable paper bowls
Compostable Bowls with Lids
biodegradable paper bowls
Compostable Bowls with Lids
bols en papier avec couvercles

Options for Branding and Making Changes

An appealing feature of our compostable bowls with lids is the ability to customize them. People are allowed to print their logos, drawings, or messages directly on the bowls, thus aiding in conservation efforts and increasing brand awareness. Whether you are managing a small cafe or a major restaurant chain, it fun to offer personalized bowls that will elevate your brand’s green status. Contact us to find out about other possibilities of bowls you can order.


Comment personnaliser l'impression d'un logo ou d'une couleur ?

Compostable Bowls with Lids

Nous fournissons des logos/impressions couleur personnalisés OEM/ODM sur la base d'un MOQ:50,000pcs chacun :

Zone d'impression : 1 : Corps et fond du gobelet ;

                                    2 : Zone supérieure du couvercle du papier,

  • Contactez nous et choisissez l'article/la taille dont vous avez besoin.
  • Confirmer la commande avec nous. (Contrat signé/PI)
  • Conception/Dessin : Vous nous envoyez le profil au format PDF, AI, CDR, ou un logo clair, un dessin, et vous nous faites part de votre idée ou d'une conception simple. Nous pourrons alors réaliser votre projet librement.
  • Ou bien nous vous donnons les dessins d'impression vierges des tailles/types que vous choisissez et vous nous les renvoyez après les avoir conçus.
  • Finaliser : Nous ajusterons la conception/le dessin sur la base de l'étape 3 ou 4, puis vous le confirmerez après l'avoir soigneusement vérifié.
  • Échantillons : Nous pouvons fournir des échantillons d'impression (si nécessaire).
  • Production : Nous organiserons la production de masse dans les délais prévus par notre plan de production.
  • Fini : Les produits sont finis et l'exportation est organisée sur la base d'un contrat ou d'un accord.

Processus de production des gobelets en papier

1:Sélection du carton : Choose the thickness, weight, and coating properties base on the order.
2:Revêtement : Le carton est recouvert d'une fine couche de plastique (PE ou PLA) (pour l'étanchéité et la rétention des liquides).
3:Impression : Impression flexographique sous le motif souhaité.
4:Coupe : Découpage en feuilles plates puis découpage à l'emporte-pièce de formes spécifiques utilisées pour le corps des gobelets.
5:Formation :Cup body formation:the edges are heated and bonded together to create a cylindrical shape. Bottom sealing: the circular bottom piece is inserted and sealed to the cup body using heat and pressure. (ensures leak-proof).
6:Rimming et Curling :Bordure : le bord supérieur de la tasse est incurvé pour former une bordure (résistance structurelle et bord lisse pour boire). Scellage à chaud : Le bord incurvé est scellé à chaud pour renforcer la structure du gobelet.
7:Inspection et contrôle de la qualité.
8:Emballage : Emballés dans des pochettes ou des boîtes.




Autres bols / styles au choix

Key Features and Uses of Compostable Bowls with Lids

  1. Green AspectThese compostable bowls with lids are 100% biodegradable as they contain products that naturally decompose without causing pollution. This is a trait that appeals greatly to businesses and organizations that want to cut down on the pollution that they cause.
  2. Robustness and LongevityThese bowl compostable containers, even though they are made of paper, do not fail to prove their utility in holding liquid foods like soups to dry ones like salads. They are built so that they do not bend or bang and as a result, they arch and do not leak when filled with oily or hot foods.
  3. Fits Lids TightlyIncluded are leak-resistant lids that lock in so none of the food stored in them gets spoiled even when transported. This is more so for takeaway and delivery services as food has to be transported in these without any mess.
  4. Does Not Affect HeatThese compostable bowls can be put into the microwave in a matter of seconds and the consumers are then served with the option of reheating their order without the need to prepare another container in storage. This is a great benefit both to the customers as well as to the food service providers.
  5. Multi-volumeCes compostable bowls with lids are offered in different sizes from 500ml to 1500ml (8oz to 48oz) so that they can accommodate different portions of food and packaging. Such flexibility also answers the problem of what size to take for salads, soups, and main course items.


Compostable Bowls with Lids
bols jetables biodégradables
Compostable Bowls with Lids
compostable paper bowls
Compostable Bowls with Lids
bols en papier kraft avec couvercles

Application Scenarios for Compostable Bowls

  1. Vente à emporter et livraisonThese bowl compostable containers are mainly used by restaurants that have a takeaway order at delivery as they help keep the delivered food fresh and whole. In case of hot soup or cold salad, such bowls are crucial, because they correct the problem posed by the transportation of food.
  2. Cafes and Fast Food ChainsA lot of fast-food outlets and cafes are increasingly adopting compostable bowls with lids to package food for customers who are on the move. These bowls are just right because they are worth in terms and economic correctness, making them appealing to green consumers.
  3. Services de restaurationCes bols compostables give environment-friendly caterers an efficient means of serving large events. Be it for corporate functions, parties or weddings, they provide grace and practicality.
  4. Stalls and Food CartsFood stalls and trucks benefit from the use of bowl compostable products as they provide a simple, lightweight, and portable solution that minimizes wastage. On one hand, customers are likely to enjoy the biodegradable kind of packing, while at the same time, vendors will gain from the practicality of using disposable but sturdy packing containers.
Compostable Bowls with Lids
Bol à soupe en papier
Compostable Bowls with Lids
bols en papier jetables

Why Choose Our Compostable Bowls with Lids?

Choosing our bols compostables is not just about selecting a product—it’s about committing to sustainability and quality. Our bowls are designed to be both functional and eco-friendly, providing a solution that meets the demands of the modern food service industry. With their PLA coating, customizable design options, and versatile sizes and shapes, these bowls are the ideal choice for any business looking to enhance its brand while reducing its environmental impact.

En tant que personne de confiance Fabricant chinois, we are committed to supporting your business with products that align with your values and meet your operational needs.

Paper Based Packaging Is The Foremost In The Race To Meet The Needs Of The Environment

As with all environmentally responsible consumer demands, Paper packaging which includes,  bowl compostable packaging is to the ever-increasing demand. As firms embrace environmental responsibility more than ever, compostable bowls with lids which are made of kraft paper and white cardboard paper shows an acceptable way out without compromising on quality or functionality. The evacuative propensity for paper use is not merely for the selfish end of market dynamics but for global environmental sustainability goals which every food business must implement to stay competitive.

Salon de l'impression personnalisée
Compostable Bowls with Lids
custom paper bowls
Compostable Bowls with Lids
paper bowls custom

Frequently Asked Questions About Compostable Bowls With Lids

  • Are these bowls totally biodegradable?

Yes, unlike plastic, our compostable bowls are made of soluble material (biodegradable in this case includes kraft paper & white cardboard), which are not harmful and will degrade safely after they have been thrown away.

  • Can they be used for hot food?

Absolutely. These bowl compostable containers are made in a way that even hot dishes can be served in them…

  • Do the lids fit in place as they are meant to?

Yes, the lids form a firm seal; there is no slippage nor escape of food once food is packed inside, even during transit.

  • Are they safe for microwave heating?

Yes, these compostable bowls can be used in the microwave to reheat the food in the same container in which it was packed.

  • What are the sizes of these bowls?

The compostable bowls with lids can be found in different sizes bulging from 500ml to 1500ml (8oz to 48oz) to suit varying food portions.

  • Can you make them and put my logo on them?

Yes, there is the option of full customization including branding. Please reach out to us to discuss the possibilities of branding our bowls.


Bowl compostable with lids in a great way helps businesses reduce negative effects on the environment while still maintaining the quality of the food packaging. Comprising various sizes, made from sturdy material, and microwaveable, these bowls for organizing food compost service are perfect for restaurants, cafes, catering firms, and food trucks. Due to its nature of being made in different shapes and sizes, it is also of great help in advertising to enhance the competitive advantage of the business whilst engaging in environmentally friendly practices.

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