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Quadratische Einweg-Salatschüsseln

PE-SK750750ml Square Bowl    (Kraft/White)Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SK10001000ml Square Bowl    (Kraft/White)Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SK12001200ml Square Bowl (Kraft/White)Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SK14001400ml Square Bowl (Kraft/White)Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PET-DeckelPET-Dom-Deckel: (klar transparent für Kälte)Size:170x170mm
PP-DeckelPP-Deckel: (mikrowellengeeignet für heiß)Size:170x170mm

Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper

Unser Paper Disposable Square Salad Bowls can be offered as a green, unique, value-added proposition to the food businesses. Constructed with Kraftpapier und Weißes Kartonpapierdiese square salad bowls are robust enough to carry both hot and cold foodstuff. They are suitable for restaurants, take away or catering services. These are available in various capacities – 500 ml to 1500 ml, to take care of different portion requirements and there is scope to promote the brand too through bespoke options such as logo printing. The growing awareness of the need for effective sustainable solutions has made the salad bowls disposable a trend that works for the companies’ goals since the emphasis is on decreasing the negative effects on the environment.
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
square disposable bowls
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
square salad bowls

Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper

Quadratische Papierschüssel 750/1000/1200/1400ml

Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper


Disposable Paper Square Salad Bowls

Square salad bowls are a food packing accessory that is both functional and environmentally friendly. Our salad bowls disposable will serve very well in presenting various types of meals, plus they are manufactured bearing in mind the environment. Such square disposable bowls provide spacious interior surfaces conducive for restaurants, take away and even at home. These bowls provide a practical use for packaging food of any business with the ability to have additional features such as logo and pattern printing.

Material: Kraft Paper and White Cardboard Paper.

As for our products, the square salad bowls can be produced from two materials only, Kraftpapier und White cardboard paper. The strength and durability of kraft paper are its main features even when it appears rustic and wild. It is easily biodegradable and recyclable which makes it an ideal choice for environmentally active people. White Cardboard paper on the contrary gives a clean surface that is impressive when imprinted with custom logos or designs. Both plastic and paper every other type of Einweg-Salatschalen ensures that the bowls are heatproof and withstand the meets of cold food and hot food without spoiling the quality of the bowl.


Square Paper Bowl

ArtikelProduktnamePapiergewichtGröße des Produkts (Oben*Unten*Hoch)Pcs/ CTNGröße des Kartons (cm)
PE-SK750750ml Square BowlKraft Paper 337gsm  / White paper 320gsm170x 148 x 44300523557
PE-SK10001000ml Square BowlKraft Paper 337gsm  / White paper 320gsm170x 146 x 56300523557
PE-SK12001200ml Square BowlKraft Paper 337gsm  / White paper 320gsm170x 145 x 66300523558
PE-SK14001400ml Square BowlKraft Paper 337gsm  / White paper 320gsm170x 143 x 75300523558
Deckel-OptionenPP-Deckel12g170 x 170300553734
PET-Deckel16g170 x 170300553734
Folienbeschichtete OptionenPE(einzeln)Einzelne 18gsm PE (100% recycelbar,dies ist der normale Auswahltyp)
PE(doppelt)Double18gsm PE (available for ice ,cold,and freezer)
PLAEinzelne 31gsm PLA (100% biologisch abbaubar & kompostierbar)
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
salad bowls disposable
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
Kraft square disposable bowls
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
Kraft square disposable bowls
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
white Square Paper Bowls
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
white square salad bowls
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
square salad bowls
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
Paper Salad Bowl Square


Brands paid special attention to these square disposable bowls as these can be personalized according to the images that the client requires. You can get your corporate identity and logos printed in the designs you want since we offer quality printing services. Get in touch with us to know in detail how these bowls can be made to suit your brand identity.

Wie kann das Logo/der Farbdruck angepasst werden?


Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper

Wir liefern OEM/ODM kundenspezifische Logo/Farbdruck basierend auf MOQ:50,000pcs jeder:

Druckbereich: 1: Körper und Boden des Bechers;

                                    2: Der obere Bereich des Papierdeckels,

  • Kontakt und wählen Sie den Artikel/die Größe, die Sie benötigen.
  • Bestätigen Sie die Bestellung mit uns. (Unterzeichneter Vertrag/PI)
  • Entwurf/Zeichnung: Sie senden uns das Profil im PDF-, AI- oder CDR-Format oder ein klares Logo, eine Zeichnung und teilen uns Ihre Idee oder ein einfaches Design mit. Dann können wir für Sie frei entwerfen.
  • Oder wir geben Ihnen die Blanko-Druckzeichnungen der von Ihnen gewählten Größen/Typen und senden sie nach der Gestaltung an uns zurück.
  • Abschließen: Wir passen den Entwurf/die Zeichnung auf der Grundlage von Schritt 3 oder 4 an, und Sie bestätigen ihn nach sorgfältiger Prüfung.
  • Muster: Wir können die Druckmuster ausstellen (falls erforderlich).
  • Produktion: Wir werden die Massenproduktion im Rahmen unseres Produktionsplans pünktlich durchführen.
  • Erledigt: Produkte fertigstellen und den Export an Sie auf der Grundlage eines Vertrags oder einer Vereinbarung organisieren.

Papierbecher & Schalen Produktionsprozess

1:Auswahl der Pappe: Choose the thickness, weight, and coating properties base on the order.
2:Beschichtung: Die Pappe ist mit einer dünnen Kunststoffschicht (PE oder PLA) beschichtet (wasserdicht und flüssigkeitsdicht).
3:Drucken: Flexodruck unter dem gewünschten Design.
4:Schneiden: Schneiden der Bögen in flache Blätter, die dann in spezifische Formen gestanzt werden, die für den Körper der Becher verwendet werden.
5:Formung:Cup body formation:the edges are heated and bonded together to create a cylindrical shape. Bottom sealing: the circular bottom piece is inserted and sealed to the cup body using heat and pressure. (ensures leak-proof).
6:Rimming und Curling:Rimming: Der obere Rand des Bechers wird gewellt, um einen Rand zu bilden (strukturelle Stärke und glatter Rand zum Trinken). Heißsiegeln: Der gewellte Rand wird heiß versiegelt, um die Struktur des Bechers zu verstärken.
7:Inspektion und Qualitätskontrolle.
8:Verpacken: Verpackt in Hüllen oder Schachteln.




Andere Schalen / Stile für Ihre Wahl

Merkmale und Vorteile

  1. Eco friendly Material: Diese square disposable salad bowls sind hergestellt aus Kraftpapier und White cardboard paper, and they can be recycled or will biodegrade, moving with the changing culture of package use.
  2. Leak Proof and Durable: Good for hot foods and cold foods as well, the salad bowls disposable are made resistant to spills, thus soups, salads and several other foods can be packed.
  3. Personalisierung: If you have specific size criteria or you wish to make a logo print, you are welcome to our square disposable bowls which provide flexibility, cut out one size fits all at least in as far as your business is concerned and support your marketing strategy.
  4. Mikrowellengeeignet: These bowls are excellent for reheating food thus satisfying customers who want to heat their food.
  5. Vielfalt der Größen: Catering to complaints of various volumes from 500ml to 1500ml, we focus on not just one portion of one type of dish but several to enlarge the horizons.
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
Salatschüssel aus Papier
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
square salad bowl-usage

Usage scenarios

  1. Natural Personal Use: Trying to come up with uses for these wooden disposable shallow serving bowls. Why not share those thoughts how about this? Ideal for feeding salads, soups, or other foods to customers in restaurants and cafes or for takeaway delivery.
  2. Food Delivery to Customers: These square disposable bowls have a strong structure and close-fitting lids making them very useful for takeaway and encasing meal orders for delivery to the clients.
  3. Outdoor and Indoor Catering: To be used for individual fast food services, especially in particular events, these salad bowls disposable are ideal for large practical usage and are friendly to the environment whenever the need arises.
  4. In the Open Calculation and the Needs of the Consumers for Some Such Disposable Serving Bowl Handy for a Some Intended Useful Meal The strength of these factors makes it possible to use them for outdoor activities – in the thick.

Global concern for eco-friendly packaging

With the increase and the need for environmentally safe packaging, more and more companies are opting for our square salad bowls. This type of packaging is affordable, biodegradable and it accommodates minimal or no plastic. This phenomenon goes hand in hand with efforts that are being made worldwide to minimize environmental effects so that salad bowl disposables can be used for business without guilt. Using screens such as Kraft paper or white cardboard paper helps businesses provide customers with a clean product offering without risking business quality.

Custom Printing Ausstellung
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
Schalen mit individuellem Logo
Disposable Square Salad Bowls Paper
Individuell bedruckte Schalen

Always Asked Questions Related To Disposable Square Salad Bowls

  1. Are these bowls suitable for holding hot foods like soups? Auf jeden Fall ist unser disposable square bowls are capable of containing foods both hot and cold including hot liquids such as broths and stews.
  2. Will they break in the microwave?Without a doubt, these bowls are microwavable, thus they provide convenience to users who want to warm their meals again.
  3. Are the lids tight?The lids tend to stick quite well to ensure no spills and leakages occur, thus these bowls are highly suitable for use during takeouts and deliveries.
  4. Can I order custom sizes?Yes, we provide sizes that range from 500ml to 1500ml in consideration of the meal portion.
  5. Is it green?Yes, these döner salad bowls are made of recycled materials and bio-degradable materials so are a perfect green alternative to plastic bowls.

As a final point, our customers looking for comfort, ecology, and brand representation will appreciate the advantages of our square salad bowls. They are made out of Kraftpapier und Weißes Kartonpapier which ensures their durability as well as prevents any leakage. These salad bowls disposable come in various sizes to cater to hot and cold meals as well as to individual preferences. Their green characteristics are in line with the current trend of making the restaurant more sustainable and therefore are desirable in restaurants, take-aways, events, etc. Contact us now and find out how you can personalize your brand logo on our square disposable bowls.

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