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Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier

PE-RK500500ml Rectangle Bowl  (Kraft/White)Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-RK650650ml Rectangle Bowl  (Kraft/White)Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-RK750750ml Rectangle Bowl  (Kraft/White)Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-RK10001000ml Rectangle Bowl  (Kraft/White)Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
Papier-DeckelPapier-DeckelKraftpapier-Deckel Weißer Papier-Deckel
PET-DeckelPET-Dom-Deckel: (klar transparent für Kälte)Size:173x121mm
PP-DeckelPP-Deckel: (mikrowellengeeignet für heiß)Size:173x121mm

Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier

The paper rectangle salad bowl is a contemporary issue and environment-friendly way of doing business in the food sector. These types of bowls made up of Kraft paper and white cardboard paper act as an alternative to plastic containers. They are storage-friendly due to their rectangular shape with a strong leakproof construction which is good for hot and cold food. Suitable for branding and therefore helping the businesses withstand competition in an ever-changing market and environmentally friendly. Be it in case of takeouts, to be carried for catering, or even for use in restaurants, these bowls provide elegant and eco-friendly food packaging that is in harmony with the contemporary concept of sustainable packaging of food.
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
rechteckige Papierschalen
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
Rechteckige Salatschüssel

Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier

Rectangle paper bowl 500/650ml

Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier

Rectangle paper bowl 750/1000ml

Paper Rectangle Salad Bowl: Redefining Sustainable Food Packaging

Die Verwendung von Rechteckige Salatschüssel provides a smart solution to food package design as it integrates utility, beauty, and environmental sustainability. It is a unique innovation on vertical traditional food containers due to its rectangular shape which suits restaurants, food takeouts, and catering. Visually inviting, the paper rectangle bowl paper is also programmable, allowing a variety of dishes to be served while making the most of storage and transportation efficiency.

Materials: Kraft Paper & White Cardboard Paper

Unser rechteckige Papierschalen are made of quality materials such as Kraftpapier und weißes Kartonpapier. Kraftpapier is quite rough but very beneficial since most eco-friendly brands use it. And, weißes Kartonpapier is clean but very useful in taking brands and beautifully detailing your business. Both are safe, can withstand hot and cold foods, and are food safe without affecting the bowl’s stability under stiffness.

Rectangle Paper Bowl

ArtikelProduktnamePapiergewichtGröße des Produkts (Oben*Unten*Hoch)Pcs/ CTNGröße des Kartons (cm)
PE-RK500500ml Rectangle BowlKraft Paper 337gsm  / White paper 320gsm173 x121 x 41300522646
PE-RK650650ml Rectangle BowlKraft Paper 337gsm  / White paper 320gsm173 x121 x 52300522647
PE-RK750750ml Rectangle BowlKraft Paper 337gsm  / White paper 320gsm173 x121 x 57300522646
PE-RK10001000ml Rectangle BowlKraft Paper 337gsm  / White paper 320gsm173 x121 x 75300522647
Deckel-OptionenPapier-DeckelKraft / Weiß173 x 121300652754
PP-Deckel9g (microwaveable for hot)173 x 12130039.53841
PET-Deckel11.5g (clear transparent for cold)173 x 12130039.53841
Folienbeschichtete OptionenPE(einzeln)Single 18gsm PE (100% recyclable,this is the normal choice type)
PE(doppelt)Double18gsm PE (available for ice ,cold,and freezer)
PLAEinzelne 31gsm PLA (100% biologisch abbaubar & kompostierbar)


Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
paper rectangle bowl
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
rectangle paper bowl water proof
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
thick kraft paper strong heavy duty
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
Rechteckige Salatschüssel
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
rechteckige Papierschalen
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
paper bowl rectangle
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
Rechteckige Salatschüssel

Customizable Designs: Add Your Logo and Artwork

A strong point of the paper rectangle bowl – it can be designed in any possible way. If you want to add your company’s emblem and warm your ideas or create custom-made works of art on the bowl – our bowls can be made to suit your preferences. Customization does not only beautify how the food is presented but it goes a long way to build an experience that is worth your customers’ time. We do cater for design consultations and our team of designers will make sure that your packaging is aligned with your company’s principles.

Wie kann das Logo/der Farbdruck angepasst werden?


Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier

Wir liefern OEM/ODM kundenspezifische Logo/Farbdruck basierend auf MOQ:50,000pcs jeder:

Druckbereich: 1: Körper und Boden des Bechers;

                                    2: Der obere Bereich des Papierdeckels,

  • Kontakt und wählen Sie den Artikel/die Größe, die Sie benötigen.
  • Bestätigen Sie die Bestellung mit uns. (Unterzeichneter Vertrag/PI)
  • Entwurf/Zeichnung: Sie senden uns das Profil im PDF-, AI- oder CDR-Format oder ein klares Logo, eine Zeichnung und teilen uns Ihre Idee oder ein einfaches Design mit. Dann können wir für Sie frei entwerfen.
  • Oder wir geben Ihnen die Blanko-Druckzeichnungen der von Ihnen gewählten Größen/Typen und senden sie nach der Gestaltung an uns zurück.
  • Abschließen: Wir passen den Entwurf/die Zeichnung auf der Grundlage von Schritt 3 oder 4 an, und Sie bestätigen ihn nach sorgfältiger Prüfung.
  • Muster: Wir können die Druckmuster ausstellen (falls erforderlich).
  • Produktion: Wir werden die Massenproduktion im Rahmen unseres Produktionsplans pünktlich durchführen.
  • Erledigt: Produkte fertigstellen und den Export an Sie auf der Grundlage eines Vertrags oder einer Vereinbarung organisieren.

Papierbecher & Schalen Produktionsprozess

1:Auswahl der Pappe: Choose the thickness, weight, and coating properties base on the order.
2:Beschichtung: Die Pappe ist mit einer dünnen Kunststoffschicht (PE oder PLA) beschichtet (wasserdicht und flüssigkeitsdicht).
3:Drucken: Flexodruck unter dem gewünschten Design.
4:Schneiden: Schneiden der Bögen in flache Blätter, die dann in spezifische Formen gestanzt werden, die für den Körper der Becher verwendet werden.
5:Formung:Cup body formation:the edges are heated and bonded together to create a cylindrical shape. Bottom sealing: the circular bottom piece is inserted and sealed to the cup body using heat and pressure. (ensures leak-proof).
6:Rimming und Curling:Rimming: Der obere Rand des Bechers wird gewellt, um einen Rand zu bilden (strukturelle Stärke und glatter Rand zum Trinken). Heißsiegeln: Der gewellte Rand wird heiß versiegelt, um die Struktur des Bechers zu verstärken.
7:Inspektion und Qualitätskontrolle.
8:Verpacken: Verpackt in Hüllen oder Schachteln.




Andere Schalen / Stile für Ihre Wahl

Key Features of the Paper Rectangle Bowl

  1. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly: All these rectangle paper bowls are made from recycled paper materials and are biodegradable and compostable, which eliminates the use of plastic containers. This is to help in the growth of green technology.
  2. Leak-Resistant and Sturdy: The paper salad bowl will be constructed in a way to avoid leakage, thus, it is essential in serving different kinds of food including salads, soups, and noodles. It is also very well made so that even if served with heavier meals it will not collapse or become weak.
  3. Space-Saving Design: The rectangular shape is easier to compress during storage and also during transport as sandwiches can be kept in a neat pile. This also makes it more economical for portion control than the round bowls.
  4. Mikrowellengeeignet: Unser paper rectangle bowls can withstand microwaves, putting customers at ease and helping them reheat foods conveniently without fear of damaging the container. This feature comes in handy for people who are too busy to sit down for a meal and would rather warm up their food on the move.
  5. Vielseitigkeit: These bowls are very good in food applications of all kinds. Be it fresh vegetable salad or tasty noodles, the rectangle paper bowl will suffice many uses in serving meals from soups to snacks and all main dishes.
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
Salatschüssel aus Papier
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
usage of paper bowls

Best Situations for Employing the Paper Rectangle Salad Bowl

  1. Mitnahme und Lieferung: Die paper rectangle bowl for takeout and delivery works impeccably well since its shape allows it to fit into most delivery bags safely packing the food.
  2. Cafes and Quick-Service Restaurants: These bowls are perfect for on-the-run meals, salad, and noodles as they should be presented in a piece to help quick-service restaurants put their best foot in providing customers with eco-friendly packaging.
  3. Corporate and Private Catering: Particularly for business lunches or catering mat dishes, these bowls afford an opportunity for chic as well as green presentation of cuisine.
  4. Outdoor Events and Food Trucks: Slim and compact, the rectangle salad bowl features minimal mass and is easy to move about making it ideal for food trucks or outdoor caters, It also provides an easier method of serving food in bulk.

Eco-Friendly Packaging Trends While Paper Bowls

With the world embracing eco-friendliness, companies are searching for greener alternatives to plastic packaging. Paper rectangle bowls belong to that trend, serving its purpose of being attractive and adding value to the consumer without polluting the environment. There is a constantly increasing demand for greener packaging while incorporating the use of rectangle salad bowls will give your business a competitive edge and make you stand out as progressive and environmentally friendly.

Custom Printing Ausstellung
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
Schalen mit individuellem Logo
Rechteckige Salatschüssel aus Papier
Individuell bedruckte Schalen

Questions Paper Rectangle Salad Bowls

  • Can these bowls hold hot and cold types of foods?

Yes, our rectangle paper bowls can be used for both cold and hot types of foods. The hard and thick material enables the bowls to contain hot vichyssoises as well as cold vichyssoises without developing leaks or becoming soggy and weak.

  • Can they be printed with custom logos and designs?

Sure. We offer wholesale options with customizations. You can insert and print your company’s logo, colors, and templates on the packaging designed specifically to suit your business. Please contact us for information about your design requirements.

  • What sizes do you have?

Alle unsere rectangle salad bowls have different sizes concerning the food portions. These include recipes for 500ml, 750ml, 1000ml, 1090ml, 1200ml, 1300ml and 1500ml.

  • Are the bowls suitable for recycling and composting?

These bowls are made from environmentally friendly material which includes Kraft paper and white cardboard paper, which is why these bowls can also be recycled and composted. They are very effective in replacing plastic containers and businesses are encouraged to embrace them to save environmental pollution.

  • Are the bowls safe for use in a microwave?

Yes, the paper rectangle bowl is safe for the microwave and can be used to heat food without spillage of the contents and without affecting the integrity of the bowl.


The rectangular salad bowl embodies the compromise of style, functionality, and eco-friendliness. It is manufactured from durable materials contenders are made of Kraftpapier und weißes Kartonpapier which also does not compromise on the impacts to the environment. These bowls are the country’s normal in most units and help promote a branding effort, and their application is borderless, be it for food or any other industry packaging requirements. By styling our paper rectangle bowls you are not only choosing a high-quality spoon but you are also conscious of environmental packaging concerns. For customization requests or bulk orders, please get in touch with us, and bring your food packaging up to the next level.

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