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9" x 6 "Muschelschalen-Box (850-1000ml)

Produktname:Zuckerrohr-Bagasse 9″ x 6″ Muschelschachtel
Artikel Nr.:B034
Produktgröße:229X155X50.6/32.5  mm
Packung (Stck./Karton):50pcs/bagx10bags=500PCS
Größe des Kartons:46x32x47cm
Bescheinigungen:OK-Compost Home,OK-Compost Industrial,BPI, EN13432,ASTM-6868, FDA, SGS,ISO-9001,BRC,BSCI

Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen

Unsere umweltfreundlichen Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen aus Zuckerrohrbagasse und Papierzellstoff sind kompostierbar, auslaufsicher und mikrowellen- und gefrierschrankgeeignet. Sie unterstützen die Nachhaltigkeit, reduzieren den Plastikmüll und erfüllen die wachsende umweltbewusste Nachfrage.
Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
umweltfreundliche Lebensmittelbehälter
Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
Umweltfreundliche Behälter zum Mitnehmen

Umweltfreundlich Kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen

With sustainability being a major concern globally, entrepreneurs are adopting Umweltfreundliche Behälter zum Mitnehmen to curb environmental pollution. Our compostable takeaway containers seem like a perfect fit in the food service industry. These composable containers for food are both eco-friendly as well as practical, making it easier to replace traditional plastic food containers. In the core of such waste reduction lies the vision of creating environmentally sustainable and innovative eco friendly delivery containers designed for faster biodegradation and composed of unusual structures and materials.

Material: Zuckerrohr-Bagasse

Unser kompostierbare Lebensmittelbehälter are made from a natural polymer which is sugarcane bagasse which is a rotten stem of the plant after the sugar is squeezed out. Rather than disposing off the fibrous waste, it is put to good use in the manufacture of safe and solid packaging material. Sugarcane bagasse is a Green merchandising packaging material that is renewable and degradable. Meaning it gives strong support but isn’t irresponsible to the environment.

Produktionsprozess: Papierzellstoff-Formenbau

Diese compostable takeaway containers are manufactured utilizing a process known as paper pulp molding which is considered well sustainable. The molding technique makes the bioplastic from sugarcane bagasse into solid yet elastic boxes using water-jetting. Pulp molded containers are light and tough making them suitable for hot and cold food. Concerning the Behälter für Speisen zum Mitnehmen production method, it is possible to achieve efficient mass production without compromising on quality.

Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
kompostierbare Lebensmittelbehälter
Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
Behälter für Speisen zum Mitnehmen
Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
compostable takeaway food container
Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
compostable takeaway containers

Key Features of Compostable Takeaway Containers

  1. Strong and Durable

Certain characteristics that tend to make these particular Umweltfreundliche Behälter zum Mitnehmen resistant to their surroundings include factors that pertain to the strength of the container itself. Hot and cold foods can be safely packed and delivered for take away and delivery using these, or any of these, containers, without the risk of spillage.

  1. 100% Home Compostable

Made from materials such as sugarcane bagasse and green biodegradable materials, our range of compostable containers is organic when thrown in garden compost. The materials biodegrade and within a few months are completely gone without leaving any toxic substances. This quality makes them most attractive in the market to environmentally oriented clients who demand any such eco-friendly products.

  1. Waterproof and Oil-Resistant

These compostable food containers are designed to be efficient and maximally efficient in a way that no oil spews from plastic leaky disposable cutlery associated with fast food restaurants. No matter if it is a combined dressing and salad or just a hot soup, the container does not let any fluid escape, and thereby food is preserved from spoiling bacteria.

  1. Mikrowelle und Gefrierschrank sicher

Flexibility is exceedingly important, and ours are microwave and freezer-safe, eco-friendly food containers. There is no hassle for customers to warm up leftover food or ice boxes with prepared food inside them. This provides both customers and food suppliers ease.

  1. Free from Harmful Chemicals

When use our biodegradable food containers for delivery that are 100% free from PFAS and BPA which means that any food put inside is non-smelling and non-toxic. This is an important benefit for those who are environmentally friendly and are trying to limit any exposure to chemicals that come with food packaging.

Zuckerrohr Bagasse Box/Schalen Serie

Artikel CodeBeschreibungGewicht(g)Produktgröße (mm)PCS/CTNSGröße des Kartons (cm)Würfel/ CTN
B0017″ x 5″ Muschelschachtel (600-650ml)20191X135,9X44,6/20,65004428.538.50.0483
B0046″ x 4″ Clamshell Box (450-500ml)18172X112.5X36.6/15.610005250370.0962
B0036″ x 6″ Burger Box21152,9X152X76/425005732320.0584
B024A5,5″ x 5,5″ Burger Box19144.9X149.7X50/355004832330.0507
B0029″ x 6″ 2-K-Muschel-Box (850-1000ml)30250.9X162X50/20.65006234530.1117
B0309″ x 6″ Clamshell Box (850-1000ml)30250,9X162X49,6/20,65004734520.0831
B0349″ x 6″ Clamshell Box (850-1000ml)30229X155X50,6/32,55004632470.0692
B0268″ x 8″ Clamshell Box (900-1000ml)38217.7X206.8X40.7/30.625051.545220.0510
B0318″ x 8″ 3-K-Muschel-Box (900-1000ml)38219X202,6X41,8/32,6250504522.50.0506
B0259″ x 9″ Muschelschachtel (1100-1200ml)45238.2X234.5X54/302504948250.0588
B0329″ x 9″ 3-K-Muschel-Box (1100-1200ml)45238X233,5X54,5/30,62505048260.0624
B0368″ x 8″Klappschachtel (900-1000ml)38223x201x46.25/382004541.5220.0411
B036 3-C8″ x 8″ 3-K-Muschel-Box (900-1000ml)38223x201x46.25/382004638.5220.0390
B0379″ x 9″ Muschelschachtel (1100-1200ml)42236x229x47,2/37,620048.543240.0501
B037 3-C9″ x 9″ 3-K-Muschel-Box (1100-1200ml)42236x229x46.8/3820048.545250.0546
B0225 Teile. Tablett - Deckel26285X223X19500464258.50.1130
B0235 Kompten. Tablett32280X218X375005929450.0770
B046800-850ml Box22230x135x53500702428.50.0479
B047800-850ml Box (2-Kammer)22230x135x53500702529.50.0516
B045Deckel für Artikel B046/B04715230x135x1150065.52428.50.0448
B063800ml Schale22203X136X505006628.5220.0414
B0641000ml Schale26203X136X685007028.5220.0439
B062800/1000ml Schale für Deckel12203X136X135007429.522.50.0491
Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
Behälter für Speisen zum Mitnehmen

Usage Scenarios for Compostable Food Containers

  1. Restaurants und CafésSuitable for food to be eaten in food courts as well as those that are taken out, such **takeaway food packaging» encompasses the entire spectrum of culinary fare from the most elaborate dishes to the simplest of treats.
  2. Food Delivery ServicesFor all those companies with a central need for delivery, biodegradable takeaway containers can provide safe and effective packaging which allows meals to be delivered in perfect condition.
  3. Catering-VeranstaltungenCatering companies may utilize these containers to manage food on several occasions comprehensibly for cleaning regardless of the event itself.
  4. MahlzeitenzubereitungsdiensteCompanies that specialize in meal prep will appreciate the fact that these biodegradable food packaging containers are specifically freezer, oven, and microwave safe allowing their clients to keep and heat the food.


Our compostable takeaway containers can be specifically designed to suit the identity of your brand. Important packaging design can be offered in various shades, sizes, and logos to enhance your worth. Furthermore, if it is necessary to provide further specifications, we make more molds for your packaging preferences.

Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
umweltfreundliche Lebensmittelbehälter
Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
Umweltfreundliche Behälter zum Mitnehmen
Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
kompostierbare Lebensmittelbehälter
Umweltfreundliche, kompostierbare Behälter für Lebensmittel zum Mitnehmen
kompostierbare Lebensmittelbehälter

Adaptation to Biodegradable and Eco-Friendly Trends

The transition to sustainable and eco-friendly packaging has transformed into a new phase and is no longer just an auxiliary trend. Such companies as employ eco-friendly takeaway containers to satisfy consumer needs on environmental concerns. This trend can also be enhanced through our containers which provide solutions to this pressing issue around food packaging in more ethical and responsible manners.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • Wie lange dauert es, bis sich die Behälter zersetzen?

When placed in composting facilities, these compostable food containers are capable of biodegradation and typically break down within a range of 90-180 days depending on some factors present.

  • Can they hold hot liquids like soups?

Of course, our eco friendly containers will be leakproof, and structural integrity will not be an issue due to holding hot liquid.

  • Is it appropriate to use these containers in a microwave or place them in the freezer?

Without a doubt, these containers are designed to withstand oven heat and freezing, therefore their application is adequate both domestically and commercially.

  •  Is it possible to put my branding on the container?

Of course, it is possible, and it is provided in the form of custom packaging, which has options for sizes and logo printing.

  • Why do people say such containers are biodegradable?

But because they are made from renewable resources, sugar cane bagasse, they are 100% compostable as well. Thus, they are a perfect fit for the emerging trends in alternative packaging materials.

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