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Ripple Wall Pappbecher

ITEMGrößeWahl des Papiergewichts (Dicke)
PE-RW04Gewellter Ripple-Becher-4oz110GSM+120GSM+230GSM+18PE
PE-RW08Gewellter Ripple-Becher-8oz110GSM+120GSM+280GSM+18PE
PE-RW10Gewellter Ripple-Becher-10oz110GSM+120GSM+300GSM+18PE
PE-RW12Gewellter Ripple-Becher-12oz110GSM+120GSM+300GSM+18PE
PE-RW16Gewellter Ripple-Becher-16oz110GSM+120GSM+320GSM+18PE
PE-RW20Gewellter Ripple-Becher-20oz110GSM+120GSM+320GSM+18PE

Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple

Unser hot paper coffee cups ripple are specially designed to keep your beverages warm while offering a stylish and comfortable grip. These ripple coffee cups are made of eco-friendly materials and are more than useful. Featuring great insulation capabilities, a reusable tank that prevents leaks, and an able body capable of performing in all scenarios including coffee houses, pope’s office, functions, etc. Several aspects like logo and pattern printing can be customized which makes such items desirable for marketing and advertisement. These Kaffeebecher aus Papier are intended for every need with the help of hot drinks buying and every operational capacity fresh hot-brewed coffee also providing a happy way of enjoying hot drinks in a hot drink.

Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
                                                        Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple



Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
                                                                                    Hot Paper Coffee Cups

 Einwandige Heißgetränkebecher

Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Pappbecher aus Bambus
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
cup paper coffee
ITEMGrößeWahl des Papiergewichts (Dicke)Größe des Produkts (Oben*Unten*Hoch)PCS/ CTNGröße des Kartons (cm)
PE-SW03Einwandig -2,5/3oz170GSM+18PE55*40*54200045.52932
PE-SW04Einwandig -4oz190GSM+18PE62*45*61100032.52633.5
PE-SW05Einwandig -5oz210GSM+18PE67*47*7220005528.536
PE-SW07Einwandig -7oz240GSM+18PE72*50*79100037.53034.5
PE-SW08Einwandig -8oz280GSM+18PE80*56*94100040.532.547.5
PE-SW10SEinwandig -10oz280GSM+18PE90*60*95100045.536.545.5
PE-SW12Einwandig -12oz300GSM+18PE90*58*108100045.536.549
PE-SW14Einwandig -14oz300GSM+18PE90*61*124100045.536.554
PE-SW16Einwandig -16oz300GSM+18PE90*58*137100045.536.556
PE-SW20Einwandig -20oz320GSM+18PE90*60*159100045.536.564

There is an increasing consumer preference for and usage of single wall paper cups to serve both hot and cold beverages in cafes, restaurants, and events. These are made from a single layer of high-grade paperboard hence they are light in weight, relatively inexpensive, and easy to use. They are mainly for drinks like coffee, tea, soft drinks, etc. Although these are very simple cups, they can be decorated, and printed cup sleeves can be applied. This is a boon for the businesses operating on the sales of such items as this increases promotional chances.

Nevertheless, because single-wall paper cups consist of one single-layer element, these do not provide the optimal heat protection needed for very hot beverages. In that situation, cup sleeves or double-wall cups should be used to avoid the cup getting too hot when held. They are also one-wall cups recyclable, and a lot of these products are also made from eco-friendly materials which are relatively greener than plastic cups. Mostly used for takeaway services, allows maximum efficiency without disregard for the environment.


 Doppelwandige (hohlwandige) Heißgetränkebecher

Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
hot coffee paper cups
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
paper cup of coffee
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Kaffeebecher aus Papier
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Doppelwandige Kaffeetassen
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple


ITEMGrößeWahl des Papiergewichts (Dicke)Größe des Produkts (Oben*Unten*Hoch)PCS/ CTNGröße des Kartons (cm)

Also referred to as hollow wall cups, double wall paper cups are made of a three-layer set of paperboards to provide more insulation which makes them suitable for coffee, tea, and hot chocolate among other hot drinks. The space created by the cavity between the two walls performs as a thermal insulator serving to retain the drink heat for a longer period while also shielding the external parts of the wall from heat. This avoids the use of extra sleeves thus providing a better and more satisfying experience to the customers.

These cups are commonly provided by cafes& restaurants for take-away as well, where utility and comfort of use are of high importance. Fashionable double wall cups are also effective advertisements, making it even possible to promote your business by customizing those cups with designed patterns, company speeches and pictures, etc. Custom double wall paper cups are produced from environmentally bio-friendly materials such as biodegradable paperboard or recyclable which helps in reducing the carbon footprint of the active business. All in all double wall paper cups are suitable for anyone who wants to have premium quality insulated beverage packaging.


 Ripple Wall Heißgetränkebecher

Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
hot coffee paper cups
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Kaffeetassen mit Deckeln
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Kaffeebecher aus Papier
ITEMGrößeWahl des Papiergewichts (Dicke)Größe des Produkts (Oben*Unten*Hoch)PCS/ CTNGröße des Kartons (cm)
PE-RW04Gewellter Ripple-Becher-4oz110GSM+120GSM+230GSM+18PE62*45*611000513732.5
PE-RW08Gewellter Ripple-Becher-8oz110GSM+120GSM+280GSM+18PE80*56*9450047.54133.5
PE-RW10Gewellter Ripple-Becher-10oz110GSM+120GSM+300GSM+18PE90*60*95500464137.5
PE-RW12Gewellter Ripple-Becher-12oz110GSM+120GSM+300GSM+18PE90*58*10850046.54637.5
PE-RW16Gewellter Ripple-Becher-16oz110GSM+120GSM+320GSM+18PE90*58*13750058.54637.5
PE-RW20Gewellter Ripple-Becher-20oz110GSM+120GSM+320GSM+18PE90*60*159500714637.5

Ripple wall paper cups are the exact solution to serve hot beverages because these cups have good insulative properties as well as decorative beauty. These cups are remarkable in their appearance with the outer layer mimicking a ripple feature that augments the cup in stabilizing grip as well as enhancing insulation by providing a void between the hot drink and the outer surface of the cup. This means that drinks are kept hotter for longer durations, while the cup itself does not need to be excessively hot on the outer walls which is achieved without sleeves.

Ripple wall cups are commonly seen for serving hot beverages like coffee, tea, or even chocolate and are used at coffee shops or cafes as well as for takeout. Apart from that the textured finish itself screams sophistication and can have business branding on it. Ripple wall cups are also constructed from high-quality paperboard that is biodegradable and recyclable hence positively the environment by reducing the impact made by plastic inspirational cups. Taking into account all their advantages, we can conclude that ripple wall paper cups answer not only the needs of clients but also the needs of the environment – making businesses feel comfortable to refocus.


 Kalte Becher

Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple


ITEMGrößeWahl des Papiergewichts (Dicke)Größe des Produkts (Oben*Unten*Hoch)PCS/ CTNGröße des Kartons (cm)
PE-DPE077oz Kaltschale14PE+210GSM+16PE72*50*79100037.53034.5
PE-DPE088oz Kalte Tasse14PE+230GSM+16PE80*56*94100040.532.547.5
PE-DPE099oz Kalte Tasse14PE+230GSM+16PE76*52*9510003931.537.5
PE-DPE12T12oz Kalte Tasse14PE+250GSM+16PE80*52*115100040.532.539
PE-DPE1414oz Kalte Tasse14PE+250GSM+16PE90*61*124100045.536.554.5
PE-DPE1616oz Kalte Tasse14PE+300GSM+16PE90*58*137100045.536.556
PE-DPE2222oz Kalte Tasse14PE+300GSM+16PE90*61*16960045.536.542.5

Manufactured for both domestic and commercial use, paper cold cups are used for serving mainly cold beverages which include, soft drinks, iced tea, smoothies, and water. Compression-molded cups made of food-safe paperboard and a protective lacquer are waterproof and sturdy which means that no liquid seaps out without compromising on the strength of the cup. They do not cause environmental pollution as branching out from plastic cups since a lot of them are made with recyclable or biologically degradable raw materials.

Favored in hotels, and restaurants, also regarding the advertisement embellishments paper cold cups can be offered for sale with the logos and pictures,’ concept of marketing. These cups are not only practical, allowing rapid service, but can be used for packed drinks for deliveries and other services. Ceramic paper cold cups radiate environmental friendliness as well as the fast-growing business market, by their very nature the styled paper hot cold drinking cups minimize waste of resources.


 PLA-beschichtete Papierbecher

Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
kompostierbare Pappbecher
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
pla beschichtete Pappbecher
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple

PLA coated paper bowls and cups are a green alternative for serving hot and cold fluids. Inside these cups is a thin layer of PLA (polylactic acid), a material that covers the corn starch or any other material used in the synthesis of biodegradable products and from the environment. The PLA coating covers the paper to prevent damage and moisture penetration, however, it is moisture resistant and strong enough all without using plastic linings that are typically believed to be too strong against moisture.

PLA coated cups are well suited for cafes, restaurants, and functions as they perform the same function as conventional paper cups but are more environmentally friendly. These can be thrown into the market’s industrial composting facilities. Cups like this are often branded therefore businesses wishing to improve their carbon footprint levels do not have to sacrifice on quality of service.



Wie kann das Logo/der Farbdruck angepasst werden?


Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple

Wir liefern OEM/ODM kundenspezifische Logo/Farbdruck basierend auf MOQ:50,000pcs jeder:

Druckbereich: 1: Körper und Boden des Bechers;

  • Kontakt und wählen Sie den Artikel/die Größe, die Sie benötigen.
  • Bestätigen Sie die Bestellung mit uns. (Unterzeichneter Vertrag/PI)
  • Entwurf/Zeichnung: Sie senden uns das Profil im PDF-, AI- oder CDR-Format oder ein klares Logo, eine Zeichnung und teilen uns Ihre Idee oder ein einfaches Design mit. Dann können wir für Sie frei entwerfen.
  • Oder wir geben Ihnen die Blanko-Druckzeichnungen der von Ihnen gewählten Größen/Typen und senden sie nach der Gestaltung an uns zurück.
  • Abschließen: Wir passen den Entwurf/die Zeichnung auf der Grundlage von Schritt 3 oder 4 an, und Sie bestätigen ihn nach sorgfältiger Prüfung.
  • Muster: Wir können die Druckmuster ausstellen (falls erforderlich).
  • Produktion: Wir werden die Massenproduktion rechtzeitig im Rahmen unseres Produktionsplans organisieren.
  • Erledigt: Produkte fertigstellen und den Export an Sie auf der Grundlage eines Vertrags oder einer Vereinbarung organisieren.

Papierbecher & Schalen Produktionsprozess

1:Auswahl der Pappe: Wählen Sie die Dicke, das Gewicht und die Beschichtungseigenschaften je nach Auftrag.
2:Beschichtung: Die Pappe ist mit einer dünnen Kunststoffschicht (PE oder PLA) beschichtet (wasserdicht und flüssigkeitsdicht).
3:Drucken: Flexodruck unter dem gewünschten Design.
4:Schneiden: Schneiden der Bögen in flache Blätter, die dann in spezifische Formen gestanzt werden, die für den Körper der Becher verwendet werden.
5:Formung: Formung des Becherkörpers: Die Ränder werden erhitzt und miteinander verbunden, um eine zylindrische Form zu erhalten. Bodenversiegelung: Das runde Bodenteil wird eingelegt und durch Hitze und Druck mit dem Becherkörper versiegelt. (gewährleistet Auslaufsicherheit).
6:Rimming und Curling:Rimming: Der obere Rand des Bechers wird gewellt, um einen Rand zu bilden (strukturelle Stärke und glatter Rand zum Trinken). Heißsiegeln: Der gewellte Rand wird heiß versiegelt, um die Struktur des Bechers zu verstärken.
7:Inspektion und Qualitätskontrolle.
8:Verpacken: Verpackt in Hüllen oder Schachteln.




Andere Becher / Stile für Ihre Wahl

Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple

The Hot Paper Coffee Cups Ripple design is a beautiful mix of utility and style engrossed to your beverage experience. Designed and crafted to warm your paper cup of coffee, the ripple coffee cups have been made easy and comfortable at the same time. These cups are practical and have a visually pleasing form factor to enhance the experience of consuming coffee whether indoors, outdoors or even at work.

Made from High Quality Materials

The paper coffee cups are made from durable food-grade and biodegradable materials. Even the inner liner is milled for the purpose of containing hot liquids without distortion. The ripple paper coffee cup insulates the cup of paper coffee very well and also helps the hand surface from the heat. All this ensures that an effective and safe paper cup of coffee is achieved.

Customizable Design – Your Brand, Your Style

We make all types of modifications and customization of hot coffee paper cups. You can order cups on which you can impose your logo or some custom design that will reflect your brand. These cups are also great promotional tools that your clients will not miss especially from branding to events. If you have any questions about custom printing, do reach out to us.

Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
ripple coffee cups
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
ripple coffee cups
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
ripple coffee cups
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
cup paper coffee


Features of Ripple Coffee Cups

  1. Wärmerückhaltung: The air-trapping property of the ripple design allows the paper cup of coffee to retain heat for longer periods, eliminating the use of sleeves or other ways of insulation.
  2. Easy To Hold: One can enjoy hot coffee without fear of getting scalded by holding paper cups with hot coffee because of the ripple texture.
  3. Spill-Proof: These paper coffee cups are designed to hold liquid without leaking, so there will be no accidents of hot drinks being off or getting spilled.
  4. Recyclable Material: These cup paper coffee products are made of recyclable materials, meeting the increasing demand for environmentally friendly products.
  5. Compact Design: The extra insulation that is inherent in most ripple coffee cups assures the user that the cups will maintain their rigidity even when moving about and using the cups.

Perfect Scenarios for Using Hot Paper Coffee Cups

  1. Office Meetings: Have your paper coffee cups ready for office meetings that do not eliminate efficiency and look professional at the same time.
  2. Coffee Shops and Cafes: The Ripple coffee cups give your shop a new look from the other shops and ensure that your customers enjoy drinking.
  3. Social Gatherings and Events: Be it a corporate event a wedding or a party for kids or adults our hot cup paper can be a good resource for warming up the drinks and making it easier for the people.
  4. In Transit Habitual Activities: Active passengers while on a busy day can have great satisfaction from a refreshing paper cup coffee drink since it can be nice and warm during the course of the day.
  5. Use in the House: Diese cup paper coffee items are best suited for serving late teas or coffee to visitors in the house.
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple
Heiße Papierkaffeebecher Ripple


Erhältlich in mehreren Größen

Tetra Paket’s hot coffee paper cups offer several size choices to meet your requirements. Depending upon your requirement be it a small espresso cup for a few sips or a big paper cup of coffee to sip longer we have all the varieties. Select any of our 8oz, 12 oz, 16 oz, and other bigger sizes based on the individual needs of your beverage services.


Our paper coffee cups are perfect for everyone who wishes to drink hot beverages in style as they combine functionality with aesthetic appeal, thanks to a ripple design. Be you in the service industry looking forward to serving your clients and providing them with a hot cup of coffee or you just want to have a hot cup of paper coffee at home, these hot coffee paper cups serve best everything you require including toughness, comfort, insulation, and branding options.

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