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Kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel

Artikel Produktname Papiergewicht
PE-SSK16 500ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SSK26 750ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SSK32 1000ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SSK36 1090ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SSK40 1200ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SSK44 1300ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
Papier-Deckel Papier-Deckel: 90/98/115/118mm Kraftpapier-Deckel Weißer Papier-Deckel
PET-Deckel PET-Dom-Deckel: (klar transparent für Kälte) Size:148/168/175/184mm
PP-Deckel PP-Deckel: (mikrowellengeeignet für heiß) Größe:148/168/175mm

Kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel

Die salad bowl kraft with lid can be described as an effective and flexible eco-friendly food packaging option, ideal for food serving businesses. These bowls are made from strong kraft paper and white cardboard paper, come in various dimensions, and can hold hot or cold dishes. The tightly fitting lids make sure that the food being transported is intact and does not spill. These bowls are dishwasher friendly as they are microwave safe thus easier for the clients. Moreover, the kraft Salatschüssel can be printed on with logos and images which is a great advantage for any business. Green packaging is now a growing trend and thus businesses have the chance to create change by using our kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel.
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
disposable kraft paper bowls

Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid


Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid

Weißes Kartonpapier

Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid – A Food Container that is Multi-purpose and Environment Friendly

Among practical and environment-friendly packaging solutions, there is the kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel which will easily suit different types of food. This particular Salatschüssel Kraft is made to secure fresh food whether you are serving salads, noodles, or even hot pack food. The strong lid ensures that the contents do not spill out when in transit making it convenient for active outlets such as restaurants and food chains. This salad bowl with lid order will suit a very wide scope of businesses dealing with various food products and is made from various sizes without compromising durability and functionality.

Premium Material – Kraft Paper and White Cardboard Paper

The quality of the materials used in making the kraft Salatschüsseln is also impressive and includes kraft paper and white cardboard paper. In comparison to other paper or paper pulp, kraft paper is preferred for food packaging as it is strong, long-lasting, and environmentally friendly. While white cardboard paper does not offer any appeal to the product it contains, it is very useful for those businesses that wish to achieve a polished uncluttered look. Both materials are biodegradable as well as recyclable and therefore are in line with the current trends of environmentally friendly packaging materials.

Salatschüssel aus Papier mit Deckel (Kraft & Weiß)
Artikel Produktname Papiergewicht Produktgröße (Oben*Unten*Hoch) Pcs/ CTN Größe des Kartons (cm)
PE-SSK16 500ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 148*131*46 mm 300 46 31 48
PE-SSK26 750ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 148*129*60 mm 300 46 31 49
PE-SSK32 1000ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 148*129*78 mm 300 46 31 51
Deckel-Optionen 148mm PP Flachdeckel 6.5g 148mm 300 48 33 31.5
148mm PET-Kuppel-Deckel 9g 148mm 300 47 33.5 31.5
148mm Papier-Deckel Kraft / Weiß 148mm 300 68 32 48
PE-SSK36 1090ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 168*145*65 mm 300 52 33 57
Deckel-Optionen 168mm PP Flachdeckel 10g 168mm 300 54 32 36
168mm PET-Kuppel-Deckel 11g 168mm 300 55 38 37
168mm Papier-Deckel Kraft / Weiß 168mm 150 41 36 54
PE-SSK40 1200ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 175*148*68 mm 300 54 36 58
Deckel-Optionen 175mm PP Flachdeckel 10g 175mm 600 55 55 38
175mm PET-Kuppel-Deckel 12g 175mm 300 57 38 37
175mm Papier-Deckel Kraft / Weiß 175mm 150 38 38 56
PE-SSK44 1300ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 184*161*70 mm 300 55 37 60
Deckel-Optionen 184mm Papier-Deckel Kraft / Weiß 184mm 150 40 36 59
184mm PET-Kuppel-Deckel 12g 184mm 300 58 40 34
Folienbeschichtete Optionen PE(einzeln) Einzelne 18gsm PE (100% recycelbar, dies ist der normale Auswahltyp)
PE(doppelt) Double18gsm PE (erhältlich für Eis, Kälte und Gefrierschrank)
PLA Einzelne 31gsm PLA (100% biologisch abbaubar & kompostierbar)

Why Choose Our Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid?

Made from premium Kraft paper, the k Kraft salad bowl with lid is robust and environmentally friendly. These bowls are specially made to carry salads, noodles, and other fresh food; they provide a safe and dependable packing option that preserves food fresh and whole on route. Perfect for both dine-in and takeout businesses, the cover clamps tightly on the bowl to protect the contents from spillage and contamination.

Our salad bowl kraft has one of the main benefits: it’s environmentally friendly. Sustainable packaging is in more and more demand as customers realize the effects their decisions have on the surroundings. Our kraft salad bowl with lid is completely biodegradable, which means it leaves the least possible environmental impact by breaking down organically after usage. Selecting our salad bowl with lid will help companies show their dedication to sustainability—a major selling element in the market of today.

Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
kraft salatschüsseln rechteckig
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
kraft salad bowls round
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
kraft salatschüsseln quadratisch

Customization Is Done As Per Your Brand Preferences

Let’s focus on the most remarkable feature of our kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel, which is the invisible aspect of alteration. Every of kraft Salatschüssel course can be customized with the help of the company’s logo or special graphics, thus transforming simple boxes into effective marketing. Designs can also be printed afresh for use, making it easier for people to recognize your business and further making it more attractive. For details on the options for customization and the associated charges, please get in touch with us.

Wie kann das Logo/der Farbdruck angepasst werden?


Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid

Wir liefern OEM/ODM kundenspezifische Logo/Farbdruck basierend auf MOQ:50,000pcs jeder:

Druckbereich: 1: Körper und Boden des Bechers;

                                    2: Der obere Bereich des Papierdeckels,

  • Kontakt und wählen Sie den Artikel/die Größe, die Sie benötigen.
  • Bestätigen Sie die Bestellung mit uns. (Unterzeichneter Vertrag/PI)
  • Entwurf/Zeichnung: Sie senden uns das Profil im PDF-, AI- oder CDR-Format oder ein klares Logo, eine Zeichnung und teilen uns Ihre Idee oder ein einfaches Design mit. Dann können wir für Sie frei entwerfen.
  • Oder wir geben Ihnen die Blanko-Druckzeichnungen der von Ihnen gewählten Größen/Typen und senden sie nach der Gestaltung an uns zurück.
  • Abschließen: Wir passen den Entwurf/die Zeichnung auf der Grundlage von Schritt 3 oder 4 an, und Sie bestätigen ihn nach sorgfältiger Prüfung.
  • Muster: Wir können die Druckmuster ausstellen (falls erforderlich).
  • Produktion: Wir werden die Massenproduktion im Rahmen unseres Produktionsplans pünktlich durchführen.
  • Erledigt: Produkte fertigstellen und den Export an Sie auf der Grundlage eines Vertrags oder einer Vereinbarung organisieren.

Papierbecher & Schalen Produktionsprozess

1:Auswahl der Pappe: Wählen Sie die Dicke, das Gewicht und die Beschichtungseigenschaften je nach Auftrag.
2:Beschichtung: Die Pappe ist mit einer dünnen Kunststoffschicht (PE oder PLA) beschichtet (wasserdicht und flüssigkeitsdicht).
3:Drucken: Flexodruck unter dem gewünschten Design.
4:Schneiden: Schneiden der Bögen in flache Blätter, die dann in spezifische Formen gestanzt werden, die für den Körper der Becher verwendet werden.
5:Formung: Formung des Becherkörpers: Die Ränder werden erhitzt und miteinander verbunden, um eine zylindrische Form zu erhalten. Bodenversiegelung: Das runde Bodenteil wird eingelegt und durch Hitze und Druck mit dem Becherkörper versiegelt. (gewährleistet Auslaufsicherheit).
6:Rimming und Curling:Rimming: Der obere Rand des Bechers wird gewellt, um einen Rand zu bilden (strukturelle Stärke und glatter Rand zum Trinken). Heißsiegeln: Der gewellte Rand wird heiß versiegelt, um die Struktur des Bechers zu verstärken.
7:Inspektion und Qualitätskontrolle.
8:Verpacken: Verpackt in Hüllen oder Schachteln.




Andere Schalen / Stile für Ihre Wahl

Core Attributes and Advantages

  1. Umweltschonend: The materials used in the construction of our kraft salad bowls are biodegradable and can be recycled as well, thus promoting less pollution.
  2. Leak Resistant Lids: Leak and spill issues are eliminated by the very snug and secure removable lids and that way safe hot or cold food can be transported without too much worry.
  3. Mikrowellengeeignet: The salad bowl with lid can be used in the microwave; this makes it convenient for customers since they need not look for other containers to heat the contents.
  4. Mehrere Größen verfügbar: The capacity of the bowls ranges from reasonable sizes for side dishes to bowls for main dishes, thus a variety of portion sizes can be catered for.
  5. Dauerhaftigkeit: From salads, soups, and even desserts, these bowls are microwave-safe and are perfect for hot and cold foods and will take the beating of stool delivery.
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
Kraftpapierschalen mit Deckeln
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
Salatschüssel aus Papier
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid

Suitable Environments for Product Use

  1. Restaurants und Cafés: Serve both dine-in and walk-in customers utilizing the kraft salad bowl with a lid for noodles and thick soups. Ideal for salads, soups, and noodles.
  2. Food Trucks und Straßenverkäufer: These bowls can be used for take-away meals since it easy to carry the food and eat even when you are not in the house.
  3. Catering Dienstleistungen: Die Salatschüssel Kraft goes hand in hand with the kind of catering service that you need be it large or small scale.
  4. Office and School Lunches: These bowls can be used to pack healthy lunches and are effective for use by working class and school-going kids who wish to have an easy-access meal.
Custom Printing Ausstellung
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
Kundenspezifische Papierbehälter
Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid
Papiercontainer individuell

Looking Towards Eco Friendly Paper Packaging Solutions

There is a positive trend towards ending the use of single waste plastic and more paper packaging options. The appeal of our kraft Salatschüsseln is in direct response to this need, providing a greener option than other packaged foods. Increasingly, consumers are becoming selective of the packaging that they buy, and companies embracing ecological options like the Salatschüssel Kraft engage in concerns of environmental degradation. You aim at reducing the volume of wastes dumped in the landfills and the use of sustainable materials supports the incline towards recycling.

Frequently Asked Questions about Kraft Salad Bowl with Lid

  1. Do these bowls cater to both hot and cold food?Ja, die kraft salad bowl with lid is designed to keep both warm and cold meals making them very applicable to various kinds of dishes.
  2. Are these bowls available for printing with logos?Absolutely. The kraft Salatschüssel is open for printing as per the client’s wishes, placing company logos and brands where they wish to do so. Contact us for more details.
  3. Do the lids fit tight enough to prevent any leaks?Yes, the lids are shaped so that they can be locked without any, spills and the food remains uncontaminated while being carried around.
  4. Can these salad bowls be heated inside a microwave oven?Yes. Our salad bowl with lid is suitable to be placed inside a microwave thus making it easy for the clients who want to warm their food.
  5. What sizes of kraft salad bowl with lid do you offer?The ones offered come in various measures; 500ml, 750ml, 1000ml, 1200ml, 1300ml down to offer the most suitable portion capacity required for that business.

If you are environmentally conscious, looking for multipurpose food packaging, and wanting to personalize food packaging, then our kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel is what you need the most. The bowls are manufactured using quality white cardboard paper and durable kraft paper, meaning that they can accommodate different foods ranging from salads to even hot soups. This ensures that the food can be carried with ease, and the other advantage is that the bowls are microwave-friendly for maximum convenience of the customer.

The prospective customers have the opportunity, to personalize the packaging of every Salatschüssel Kraft, making the objects part of the company’s brand. Sands are very light in weight since they are intended for use in a disposable pack. So they help propagate sustainable packaging using our kraft Salatschüssel mit Deckel allows your business to be at par with all the others and still be doing the right thing for the planet.

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