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Hochbelastbare Kraftpapier-Suppenschalen

Artikel Produktname Papiergewicht
PE-SCK08 8oz Suppenschüssel (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SCK12 12oz Suppenschüssel (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SCK16 16oz Suppenschüssel (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SCK26 26oz Suppenschüssel (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SCK32 32oz Suppenschüssel (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
Papier-Deckel Papier-Deckel: 90/98/115/118mm Kraftpapier-Deckel Weißer Papier-Deckel
PP-Deckel PP-Deckel: 90/98/115/118mm Kunststoff PP-Deckel

Hochbelastbare Kraftpapier-Suppenschalen

Unser heavy duty paper soup bowls kraft can withstand hot and cold food storage and serving requirements and are environmentally friendly in the materials used. They consist of Kraft paper and white cardboard paper, and they are made of different materials that are friendly to the environment. Our kraft paper soup bowls can come with a variety of lids such as paper lids, PP lids and PET lids to ensure that the food is fresh and safe. These bowls can be made in any shape or size which makes it great for restaurants, food trailers, and catering businesses using the bowls. This is because packaging selection and demand continue to increase, these heavy-duty paper soup bowls can and do perform to the high expectations of convenience, strength, and sustainability.
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
                                        Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls: 8,12,16,26,32oz
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
kraft paper soup bowl
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
Papiersuppenschalen mit Deckeln

Heavy Duty Paper Soup Bowls Kraft

Heavy duty paper soup bowls are effortless to use as they are made from sturdy materials which allow these bowls to be used for hot or cold meals such as stews and soups. Also, these kraft paper soup bowls are very strong and environmentally safe making them useful for end consumers as well as food service industries. These paper soup housings are strong and dependable, and even in using the bulkiest food, there will be no worry of leakage or breakage.

Material Used: Kraft Paper and White Card Stock

The heavy-duty paper soup bowls that we manufacture are composed of two very high-grade materials: Kraft paper and white cardboard paper. Among other facts, Kraft paper is strong and appears rough and simple and therefore somewhat appealing to the people opting for a greener society. On the other hand, white cardboard paper has a very simple yet elegant appearance while being able to withstand the heat of hot fluids. All these materials are safe for the environment since they are all compostable and biodegradable leaving companies with less risks of using plastics.

Lid Options: Safe, Easy to Use and Closely

Along with the kraft soup bowls that we offer, there are always additional lid options for different customers. You have the option of using biodegradable paper lids, durable, recyclable PP lids, or PET lids which allow a view of the food. These lids serve the purpose of keeping soups and stews and other dishes intact and non-leaky when on the go and are thus suitable for dine-in and take-away services.

Pappsuppenschüssel mit Deckel (Kraft & Weiß)

Artikel Produktname Papiergewicht Größe des Produkts (Oben*Unten*Hoch) Pcs/ CTN Größe des Kartons (cm)
PE-SCK08 8oz Suppenschüssel (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 90*72*62 oder 98*81*60 500 47 19 61
PE-SCK12 12oz Suppenschüssel (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 90*73*86 oder 98*81*70 500 50 21 47
PE-SCK16 16oz Suppenschüssel (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 98*75*99 oder 115*98*72 500 50 21 58
PE-SCK26 26oz Suppenschüssel (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 118*96*108mm 500 60 25 64
PE-SCK32 32oz Suppenschüssel (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 118*93*131mm 500 60 25 75
Papier-Deckel 90mm Papierdeckel (8,12oz)


Weißer Papierdeckel

90mm 500 60 20.5 50
98mm Papierdeckel (8,12,16oz) 98mm 500 65 22 54
115mm Papier-Deckel (16oz) 115 mm 500 64 25 62
118mm Papier-Deckel (26,32oz) 118mm 500 67 25.5 63
PP-Deckel 90mm PP-Deckel (8,12oz) Kunststoff PP-Deckel 90mm 2.3g 1000 39 29 49
98mm PP-Deckel (8,12,16oz) 98mm 3.4g 1000 51 25 41
118mm PP-Deckel (26,32oz) 118mm 5g 1000 61 31 49
Folienbeschichtete Optionen PE(einzeln) Einzelne 18gsm PE (100% recycelbar,dies ist der normale Auswahltyp)
PE(doppelt) Doppeltes 18gsm PE (erhältlich für Eis, Kälte und Gefrierschrank)
PLA Einzelne 31gsm PLA (100% Biologisch abbaubar & kompostierbar)
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
kraft paper soup bowl
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
kraft paper soup bowl with paper lid
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
kraft paper soup bowls with PP lids
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
heavy duty paper soup bowls
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
heavy duty paper soup bowls

You Can Personalize For Your Company/Brand Indications

Unser kraft paper soup bowls’ surfaces can be fully designed with your logo, which helps raise awareness while easing environmental concerns. From café owners to restaurant owners to catering service providers; branded bowls provide excellent marketing solutions. Call us now and we shall explain to you how your bowls can be customized.

Wie kann das Logo/der Farbdruck angepasst werden?


Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls

Wir liefern OEM/ODM kundenspezifische Logo/Farbdruck basierend auf MOQ:50,000pcs jeder:

Druckbereich: 1: Körper und Boden des Bechers;

                                    2: Der obere Bereich des Papierdeckels,

  • Kontakt und wählen Sie den Artikel/die Größe, die Sie benötigen.
  • Bestätigen Sie die Bestellung mit uns. (Unterzeichneter Vertrag/PI)
  • Entwurf/Zeichnung: Sie senden uns das Profil im PDF-, AI- oder CDR-Format oder ein klares Logo, eine Zeichnung und teilen uns Ihre Idee oder ein einfaches Design mit. Dann können wir für Sie frei entwerfen.
  • Oder wir geben Ihnen die Blanko-Druckzeichnungen der von Ihnen gewählten Größen/Typen und senden sie nach der Gestaltung an uns zurück.
  • Abschließen: Wir passen den Entwurf/die Zeichnung auf der Grundlage von Schritt 3 oder 4 an, und Sie bestätigen ihn nach sorgfältiger Prüfung.
  • Muster: Wir können die Druckmuster ausstellen (falls erforderlich).
  • Produktion: Wir werden die Massenproduktion rechtzeitig im Rahmen unseres Produktionsplans organisieren.
  • Erledigt: Produkte fertigstellen und den Export an Sie auf der Grundlage eines Vertrags oder einer Vereinbarung organisieren.

Papierbecher & Schalen Produktionsprozess

1:Auswahl der Pappe: Wählen Sie die Dicke, das Gewicht und die Beschichtungseigenschaften je nach Auftrag.
2:Beschichtung: Die Pappe ist mit einer dünnen Kunststoffschicht (PE oder PLA) beschichtet (wasserdicht und flüssigkeitsdicht).
3:Drucken: Flexodruck unter dem gewünschten Design.
4:Schneiden: Schneiden der Bögen in flache Blätter, die dann in spezifische Formen gestanzt werden, die für den Körper der Becher verwendet werden.
5:Formung: Formung des Becherkörpers: Die Ränder werden erhitzt und miteinander verbunden, um eine zylindrische Form zu erhalten. Bodenversiegelung: Das runde Bodenteil wird eingelegt und durch Hitze und Druck mit dem Becherkörper versiegelt. (gewährleistet Auslaufsicherheit).
6:Rimming und Curling:Rimming: Der obere Rand des Bechers wird gewellt, um einen Rand zu bilden (strukturelle Stärke und glatter Rand zum Trinken). Heißsiegeln: Der gewellte Rand wird heiß versiegelt, um die Struktur des Bechers zu verstärken.
7:Inspektion und Qualitätskontrolle.
8:Verpacken: Verpackt in Hüllen oder Schachteln.




Andere Schalen / Stile für Ihre Wahl

Merkmale und Vorteile

  1. Thick Construction Ensures No Leaks: Diese heavy-duty paper soup bowls can carry hot liquid food without leaking which makes them suitable for soups and stews.
  2. Materials Do Not Harm the Environment: Because our paper bowls are made of Kraft paper and white cardboard paper, they are biologically degradable.
  3. Mikrowellengeeignet: Diese Papiersuppenschalen can be safely warmed in the microwave and thus, the customers can heat their meals with ease.
  4. Capacity Range: We offer bowls in a variety of sizes 12oz, 16oz, 20oz, 24oz and 32oz which can serve both small portions or large portions.
  5. Logo Branded Bowls: On the other hand, these types of bowls may be printed entirely with logos and designs and hence are preferred for those who want their environmental impact to be reduced.
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
kraft paper soup bowls
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
heavy duty paper soup bowls
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
kraft paper soup bowls



  1. Restaurants und Cafés: Great for serving a wide range of fast food including soups, noodles, and stews either for dine-in, takeaway, or delivery.
  2. Mitnahme und Lieferung: Unser kraft paper soup bowls are designed for use during order delivery, ensuring food remains hot and safe inside.
  3. Food Trucks: These bowls provide a strong disposable take-out option for food trucks serving both hot and cold dishes.
  4. Catering und Veranstaltungen: These soup bowls are heavy-duty paper and are best used for serving catering on a large scale without compromising on the stylish and eco-friendly presentation.
  5. Parties and Gatherings: No matter what the event, whether a social purchase or formalities these bowls are a good and practical and green option to use for serving food.
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
Suppenschüssel aus Papier
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
Suppenschüssel aus Papier

The Trend of Preserving Environment through Paper Packaging

Today, sustainability is gaining importance in all sectors. The application of kraft soup bowls corresponds to the move to eliminate plastic waste. By using kraft paper soup bowls, users support the cause of environmental protection as these bowls are bio-degradable and compostable. Since getting rid of Kraftpapier is a process that takes away the landscape more than conventional plastic containers, these items also help in decreasing the pollution in landfills and saving other materials.

Custom Printing Ausstellung
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
custom logo heavy duty paper soup bowls
Heavy Duty Kraft Paper Soup Bowls
logo printing paper soup bowls

Frequent Queries

  1. Did you mean to say that these bowls are microwave safe?

Definitely, those heavy duty paper soup bowls purchased from this site are made microwaveable because they are suitable for dishes such as soups, stews or other dishes that are hot among the population.

  1. Can I order these bowls with my logo printed on them?

Sure you can! We provide complete services that include letting you imprint your logo and/or graphic designs on the kraft soup bowls. We welcome your inquiries.

  1. Which Lids Are Provided?

We provide Paper lids, PP lids and PET lids according to your requirements so that you can carry your food items without spilling.

  1. Are these bowls biodegradable?

Yes, they are made out of Kraft paper and white cardboard paper(with PLA Coated) which are both biodegradable and compostable and therefore are an ideal option as packaging.

  1. What tin sizes do you have?

Die kraft paper soup bowls are available in various sizes ranging from 12oz, 16oz, 20oz, 24oz, and up to 32oz making it possible to hold anything from snacks to full meals

Businesses looking for environmentally friendly, durable, and customizable food position will find our heavy duty paper soup bowls manufactured from Kraft paper and white cardboard paper for American businesses as the best option. Wherever you want to use them for restaurants, cafes, food trucks, events, these bowls can withstand hot foods as well as upholding the green image needed by the society. Get in touch with us to have a look at the various customizing options available and how our kraft soup bowls will advantage your business success.

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