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Biologisch abbaubare Einwegschalen mit Deckeln

Artikel Produktname Papiergewicht
PE-SSK16 500ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SSK26 750ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SSK32 1000ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SSK36 1090ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SSK40 1200ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
PE-SSK44 1300ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm Weißes Papier 320gsm
Papier-Deckel Papier-Deckel: 90/98/115/118mm Kraftpapier-Deckel Weißer Papier-Deckel
PET-Deckel PET-Dom-Deckel: (klar transparent für Kälte) Size:148/168/175/184mm
PP-Deckel PP-Deckel: (mikrowellengeeignet für heiß) Größe:148/168/175mm

Biologisch abbaubare Einwegschalen mit Deckeln

Biodegradable bowls with lids are safe and eco-friendly advantages in food packaging solutions and hence give companies an effective way of reducing their carbon footprint. Made of biodegradable disposable bowls paper and white cardboard these bowls are compostable so that they do not pollute even after being thrown away. They come in different shapes and sizes making them perfect for restaurants, cafes, food trucks as well as catering companies. Because of the strong and leak-resistant properties they can be used for both hot and cold meal items and can be heated up in the microwave or kept in the freezer. For these publications, businesses can also benefit greatly from brand creation opportunities while maintaining the integrity of the print performance due to the full option to decorate the bowls.
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
biologisch abbaubare Einwegschalen
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
biologisch abbaubare Schalen mit Deckeln

Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids


Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids


Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids: Revolutionizing Eco-Friendly Food Packaging

Biodegradable products are proving popular to both consumers and businesses and biologisch abbaubare Schalen mit Deckeln therefore become a preferred pack form in cooking. These biodegradable disposable bowls are created to be used for fast as well as green purposes. If you are serving salad soup or any hot meal then these bowls work like any other traditional container without having adverse effects on the environment. Biologisch abbaubare Einwegschalen are best for food service operations that focus on packaging systems while sustaining improved ecology.

Materials: Kraft Paper & White Cardboard Paper

Our company’s biologisch abbaubare Schalen are made of materials that allow biodegradation such as kraft paper and cardboard paper. Sturdy and durable kraft paper is opaque and gives the kraft paper a natural aesthetic that consumers in this era should gorge on. White cardboard paper helps to enhance this look while ensuring that the bowl remains strong. Even these materials are 100% bio-degradable, hence these biologisch abbaubare Einwegschalen will decompose within a short time after disposal to reduce pollution.


Salatschüssel aus Papier mit Deckel (Kraft & Weiß)
Artikel Produktname Papiergewicht Produktgröße (Oben*Unten*Hoch) Pcs/ CTN Größe des Kartons (cm)
PE-SSK16 500ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 148*131*46 mm 300 46 31 48
PE-SSK26 750ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 148*129*60 mm 300 46 31 49
PE-SSK32 1000ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 148*129*78 mm 300 46 31 51
Deckel-Optionen 148mm PP Flachdeckel 6.5g 148mm 300 48 33 31.5
148mm PET-Kuppel-Deckel 9g 148mm 300 47 33.5 31.5
148mm Papier-Deckel Kraft / Weiß 148mm 300 68 32 48
PE-SSK36 1090ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 168*145*65 mm 300 52 33 57
Deckel-Optionen 168mm PP Flachdeckel 10g 168mm 300 54 32 36
168mm PET-Kuppel-Deckel 11g 168mm 300 55 38 37
168mm Papier-Deckel Kraft / Weiß 168mm 150 41 36 54
PE-SSK40 1200ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 175*148*68 mm 300 54 36 58
Deckel-Optionen 175mm PP Flachdeckel 10g 175mm 600 55 55 38
175mm PET-Kuppel-Deckel 12g 175mm 300 57 38 37
175mm Papier-Deckel Kraft / Weiß 175mm 150 38 38 56
PE-SSK44 1300ml Schale (Kraft/Weiß) Kraftpapier 337gsm / Weißes Papier 320gsm 184*161*70 mm 300 55 37 60
Deckel-Optionen 184mm Papier-Deckel Kraft / Weiß 184mm 150 40 36 59
184mm PET-Kuppel-Deckel 12g 184mm 300 58 40 34
Folienbeschichtete Optionen PE(einzeln) Einzelne 18gsm PE (100% recycelbar, dies ist der normale Auswahltyp)
PE(doppelt) Double18gsm PE (erhältlich für Eis, Kälte und Gefrierschrank)
PLA Einzelne 31gsm PLA (100% biologisch abbaubar & kompostierbar)
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
compostable paper bowls
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
biodegradable paper bowls
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
salad bowl paper
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
biologisch abbaubare Schalen mit Deckeln
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
biodegradable paper bowls
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
Pappschalen mit Deckeln

Customization and Branding Options

Customization is one of the particular benefits of our biologisch abbaubare Schalen mit Deckeln. Some businesses might want to print their logos, designs, or messages on those bowls making these containers serve their purpose even more. If you need to emphasize your responsibility for the environment or simply want to improve your corporate image, customized bowls will do a great job. Get in touch with us to discuss your branding requirements further and learn how we can assist you in formulating effective packaging designs that reflect the principles of your company.


Wie kann das Logo/der Farbdruck angepasst werden?

Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids

Wir liefern OEM/ODM kundenspezifische Logo/Farbdruck basierend auf MOQ:50,000pcs jeder:

Druckbereich: 1: Körper und Boden des Bechers;

                                    2: Der obere Bereich des Papierdeckels,

  • Kontakt und wählen Sie den Artikel/die Größe, die Sie benötigen.
  • Bestätigen Sie die Bestellung mit uns. (Unterzeichneter Vertrag/PI)
  • Entwurf/Zeichnung: Sie senden uns das Profil im PDF-, AI- oder CDR-Format oder ein klares Logo, eine Zeichnung und teilen uns Ihre Idee oder ein einfaches Design mit. Dann können wir für Sie frei entwerfen.
  • Oder wir geben Ihnen die Blanko-Druckzeichnungen der von Ihnen gewählten Größen/Typen und senden sie nach der Gestaltung an uns zurück.
  • Abschließen: Wir passen den Entwurf/die Zeichnung auf der Grundlage von Schritt 3 oder 4 an, und Sie bestätigen ihn nach sorgfältiger Prüfung.
  • Muster: Wir können die Druckmuster ausstellen (falls erforderlich).
  • Produktion: Wir werden die Massenproduktion im Rahmen unseres Produktionsplans pünktlich durchführen.
  • Erledigt: Produkte fertigstellen und den Export an Sie auf der Grundlage eines Vertrags oder einer Vereinbarung organisieren.

Papierbecher & Schalen Produktionsprozess

1:Auswahl der Pappe: Choose the thickness, weight, and coating properties base on the order.
2:Beschichtung: Die Pappe ist mit einer dünnen Kunststoffschicht (PE oder PLA) beschichtet (wasserdicht und flüssigkeitsdicht).
3:Drucken: Flexodruck unter dem gewünschten Design.
4:Schneiden: Schneiden der Bögen in flache Blätter, die dann in spezifische Formen gestanzt werden, die für den Körper der Becher verwendet werden.
5:Formung:Cup body formation:the edges are heated and bonded together to create a cylindrical shape. Bottom sealing: the circular bottom piece is inserted and sealed to the cup body using heat and pressure. (ensures leak-proof).
6:Rimming und Curling:Rimming: Der obere Rand des Bechers wird gewellt, um einen Rand zu bilden (strukturelle Stärke und glatter Rand zum Trinken). Heißsiegeln: Der gewellte Rand wird heiß versiegelt, um die Struktur des Bechers zu verstärken.
7:Inspektion und Qualitätskontrolle.
8:Verpacken: Verpackt in Hüllen oder Schachteln.





Andere Schalen / Stile für Ihre Wahl

Key Features and Benefits of Disposable Biodegradable Bowls

  • 100% Biodegradable

Diese biodegradable disposable bowls can be composed entirely out of environmentally safe materials so these bowls don’t contribute to pollution. This makes them effective solutions instead of plastic containers, especially in large institutions that want to reduce their carbon footprint.

  • Strong and Leak-Proof

Unser biologisch abbaubare Schalen mit Deckeln have been manufactured to withstand pressure even when foods that are hot, cold, or greasy are contained in them in the package. All lids are secure-fitting and prevent spills or leakage ensuring that all food is fresh and fully contained and more so safe while in transit.

  • Safe for use in microwave and freezer

These bowls are not only eco-friendly, but they are also functional for day-to-day purposes. They can be put in a microwave or food range for reheating and then temperature-controlled for food storage, which is great for both businesses and consumers.

  • Number of Sets

Ranging from 500 ml to 1500 ml (8 oz to 48 oz), these compostable bowls with lids are supplied in different portions which range from small portions of salad to large portions of meal prep; explaining their usage. This range in size makes them appropriate for different meals and packaging needs.

  • Efficient yet Eco-Friendly

Although these biologisch abbaubare Einwegschalen are good for the environment, they are cost-effective as well and are thus a good alternative for anyone willing to move away to sustainable packaging practices without spending a lot of cash.

Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
biologisch abbaubare Einwegschalen
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
compostable paper bowls
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
Kraftpapierschalen mit Deckeln

Usage of different types of biodegradable bowls with lids

  • Restaurants und Cafés

Ready-to-use biodegradable bowls with lids are ideal for eat-in or takeout meals in restaurants and cafes. They are leakproof and strong enough to hold hot or cold meals for service.

  • Food Delivery and Takeout

In case of food delivery or takeaway worthy for food businesses, these biodegradable disposable bowls make sure that the meals are not spoiled when delivered. The lids stay on tightly to prevent leaking or spilling of content, which is useful in food transportation.

  • Catering und Veranstaltungen

Disposing of food serving containers without worrying about taking care of the environment such as biologisch abbaubare Einwegschalen comes in handy at sustainability events and catering services. Most importantly, a unique contribution to the target audience to encourage the target population to put the event goals into action is the possibility of disposing of the plates without any negative impact on the event aims.

  • Food Trucks und Straßenverkäufer

For food trucks and street vendors, biologisch abbaubare Schalen respond to the need for packaging that is affordable and does not weigh much. Moreover, it allows people to eat out and carry food without the guilt that comes with modern society.

Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
Suppenschüssel aus Papier
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids

Paper Packaging: Following the Green Trend

Faced with the consensus to go greener, it is without a doubt that paper and paper-based packing is at the forefront of this revolution. Kraft paper & white cardboard paper biodegradable disposable bowls capture this uprising trend. Such products provide not only an answer to the ever-increasing plastic waste but also appeal to the buying public who are better versed in making more environmentally considerate purchases. Well, businesses are in a way assisting the world by purchasing biodegradable bowls with lids, thus showing their concern for the welfare of the environment.

Custom Printing Ausstellung
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
custom paper bowls
Disposable Biodegradable Bowls with Lids
paper bowls custom

Frequently Asked & Questions

  • Are these bowls irretrievably edible?Ja, our biodegradable bowls with lids are made of 100% biodegradable materials such as kraft paper and white cardboard paper which renders them biodegradable after usage.
  • Is it possible for them to adequately contain hot food?Definitely. These biodegradable disposable bowls are useful for holding both hot and cold food with no leaking or distortion.
  • Are they able to work in microwaves and have their contents put in freezers?Yes, these disposable biodegradable bowls can be placed in the microwave oven and the freezer without affecting the composition of the product adversely.
  • Welche Größen gibt es?

Our biodegradable bowls are available in four different sizes ranging from 500ml to 1500ml (8oz zu 48oz) depending auf the food loads available.

  • Is it possible to add my brand’s logo to the bowls?

Yes, we provide full branding options for all companies whereby the customer can print their logos or artwork onto the bowls. Please reach out to us to know if you want make unique packaging.


Biodegradable bowls with lids are the new food packing compulsion where they are the easy zu use und environment-friendly disposable biopolymers. These biodegradable disposable bowls are crafted von ecologically friendly materials such as Kraftpapier oder white cardboard paper making them ideal für restaurants, cafes, food trucks, oder catering services. They are combined into single units that are strong und auslaufsicher für various categories von use, they are also compostable so plastic waste ist reduced nature friendly. This ist also an added advantage zu those using it zu market themselves because they can make some branding auf it und still fight für a sustainable world.

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