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Bagasse Bowl-L013 (40oz Square)

اسم المنتج:Sugarcane Bowl (40oz Square)
رقم الصنف:L013
حجم المنتج:180x180x90 mm
الوزن:30 g
العبوة (قطع/كارتون):50pcs/bagx8bag=400PCS
حجم الكرتون:66x37x37cm
الشهادات:OK-Compost Home، BPI، EN13432, ASTM-6868، إدارة الأغذية والعقاقير الأمريكية، SGS, ISO-9001, BRC, BCS, BSI

أوعية مستدامة يمكن التخلص منها مصنوعة من تفل قصب السكر

Disposable sustainable bowls are an essential part of the move towards eco-friendly dining solutions. Both the raw material and construction of the sustainable bowls are appealing as they are made of sugar cane bagasse and use modern paper pulp molding techniques. These products are safe and environmentally clean and can be applied in restaurants, takeaways, events, food packaging, and sales. There is an increasing demand for sustainable products and that’s where our disposable sustainable bowls, sit firmly at the top for both businesses and the crowds.

sugarcane bagasse bowl square sugarcane bagasse bowl square

bagasse salad bowl square biodegradable sugarcane bowl square


As more and more people become aware of the need for sustainable living and other ways to lessen the environmental impact, additional disposable desirable products are surfacing. One product that stands out in this revolution is disposable sustainable bowls. هذه أوعية مستدامة which are made of Sugarcane bagasse are both eco-friendly cheap and strong which makes them suitable for different food service purposes.

Premium Material: Sugarcane Bagasse

هذه disposable sustainable bowls are made from the by-product of sugar cane manufacture which is called sugarcane bagasse. This material is eco-friendly and strong because it is completely natural and made from plants. The difference is that rather than taking ages to biodegrade as plastic or styrofoam which often takes hundreds of years to decompose sugarcane bagasse will naturally break down within a few months, with absolutely no toxic waste left behind. These أوعية مستدامة are therefore great for environmentally aware customers and companies who are seeking to minimize the environmental impact of their products in use.

عملية الإنتاج: قولبة لب الورق

لدينا caterware made of a disposable sustainable material features the use of some high-level fabrication processes- Paper pulp molding being one of those processes. The relevant bulb manufacturing process commences with the pulping of sugarcane bagasse. The end product is light in weight and stiff enough to support hot or cold food while maintaining its shape without yielding, chipping, or cracking. More so, the machine works as designed thereby eliminating surplus material and using less energy during production and that improves the green credentials of these أوعية مستدامة even further.

sugarcane square bowl white sugarcane square bowl nature

                      اللون: أبيض                                                                                  اللون: نيتشر براون

PET Lids for these bowls(individual):

                              PET Flat Lid:                                                                                 PET Dome Lid:

sugarcane bowl with PET lid sugarcane bowl with plastic lid

Fundamental Characteristics

صديقة للبيئة وقابلة للتسميد

لدينا caterware made of a disposable sustainable material has a brilliant quality. It complies with complete composting. This indicates that they can be thrown away with organic trash, and when the plant’s residues decompose, they will enhance the soil and not pollute it. These expectations have been driven by the easily changing consumer behavior towards sustainable and eco-friendly products.

آمن غذائياً وغير سام

هذه أوعية مستدامة are also free from detrimental chemicals like PFAS and BPA and hence cannot leach any toxins when food is being served in them. They are leakproof, waterproof, and oil-resistant, and hence can accommodate oily dishes, soups, salads, etc. without any degradation.

Multiple Uses with Additional Benefits

Another key aspect in marketing our disposable sustainable bowls is their versatility of use. They are great for almost all types of food and any occasion. These bowls are well suited to serve hot noodles in a restaurant, put salads in a takeaway box, and serve soups at a food truck. Also, they are microwavable which comes in handy in the house or commercial kitchens.

bagasse bowl square sugarcane bagasse salad bowl

Great For Several Scenarios Related To Food Services

Use at Restaurants and Takeaway Services

For restaurants and takeaway, good quality disposable containers that do not sacrifice the aspect of quality and good environmental practice are needed. Our disposable sustainable bowls provide a practical solution to this problem as they are both durable and good for the environment when serving takeaway food. Their leak-proof characteristic ensures that even sweet and messy dishes such as soups and salads remain securely intact throughout their transportation making them very popular with food delivery companies as well as their customers.

For Occasions and Celebrations

Concerning parties and events where the need for disposable tableware is common, these أوعية مستدامة offer a good alternative. They allow for dishes to be served while cutting down on wastage and keeping the hosts environmentally friendly. They are made with natural materials that are beautiful, and thus useful in hosting decorations.

Food Packaging and Retail

Retailers and food packaging companies can also target these disposable sustainable bowls. With the increasing consideration for the environment by consumers, there is no better option for these bowls than plastic which is becoming a solution. This is because they are not only eco-friendly but also appealing and practical to people who care about conserving the environment.


وعاء قصب السكرأوعية قابلة للتحلل pulp bowl th pet lids


Market Trends: The Sustained Growth of Sustainable Dining Solutions

Apart from the regular supply of the disposable sustainable bowls, the demand for the same is also a part of an increased movement towards sustainable dining habits. Customers who habitually make purchases based on environmentally friendly factors would enhance business success for corporates providing sustainable mechanisms thus increasing brand equity awareness. Among other current eco-friendly disposable products, the use of sugarcane bagasse is here to stay mainly because of its environmental aspects and product performance.

Why Choose Us: Quality and Sustainability from a Trusted Manufacturer

We are proud to be one of the leading, Chinese manufacturers of disposable sustainable bowls. We deliver high-quality products that meet the demand of our customers and at the same time encourage sustainability practices. Our wholesale packages make it possible for even the smallest companies to get these new products at reasonable rates. Be it a restaurant, event, or retail, when you opt for our disposable sustainable bowls you can rest assured the product is not only good for your business but also the environment.

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